Submitted by the Executive Committee of the GWP. The German Society for Philosophy of Science has, after a unanimous decision of the executive committee, sent a letter to Mr. Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities in Hungary, to express support for the Central European University (CEU) and concerns regarding pending legislation that would endanger academic […]

Submitted by Susanne Höckelmann (University of Kassel). Boundaries in Science and Higher Education (Research) Call for Participation for the 2017 international Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies. The summer school “Boundaries in Science and Higher Education (Research)”, organized by the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel), will take place at […]

Submitted by Torsten Wilholt (Leibniz Universität Hannover). Call for Papers: GAP-Doktorandenworkshop Wissenschaftsphilosophie 2017 Leibniz Universität Hannover, 12.-13. Mai 2017 veranstaltet von Torsten Wilholt, Uljana Feest und Mathias Frisch in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie Bewerbungsschluss: 23. April 2017 Webseite: Der Workshop richtet sich an DoktorandInnen im Fach Philosophie, die sich in ihren […]

Submitted by Benjamin Jantzen (Virginia Tech). Postdoctoral Research Associate in causal learning and automated scientific discovery A 1-year postdoc position (with the possibility of renewal for an additional year) is available in the area of causal learning and automated scientific discovery. The successful applicant will explore the formal connections between causal learning in the graphical […]

Submitted by Stephan Hartmann (MCMP, LMU Munich). ********************************************* Two Doctoral fellowships at the MCMP (LMU Munich) MCMP, LMU Munich ********************************************* The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) seeks applications for two 3-year doctoral fellowships starting on October 1, 2017. (A later starting date is possible.) We are especially interested in candidates who want to […]

Submitted by Stephan Hartmann (MCMP, LMU Munich).   Call for Institutional Partners The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) is looking for institutional partners to participate as host institutions in its scheme of “EPSA Fellowships for junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe”. Participating institutions would host a fellow for approximately one month in […]

Submitted by Erik Curiel (MCMP, LMU Munich). ********************************************* The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the following event: The Second Law of Thermodynamics MCMP, LMU Munich September 1-2, 2017 ********************************************* The attempt to understand the Second Law of thermodynamics occupies a central role in the foundations of physics: not only is it […]

Submitted by Stephan Hartmann (MCMP, LMU Munich). ********************************************* Two Postdoctoral fellowships at the MCMP (LMU Munich) MCMP, LMU Munich ********************************************* The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) seeks applications for two 2-year postdoctoral fellowships starting on October 1, 2017. (A later starting date is possible.) We are especially interested in candidates who work in […]

Submitted by Mario Günther, LMU Munich. ********************************************* Causation, Explanation, Conditionals MCMP/GSN, LMU Munich June 21-23, 2017 ********************************************* The analysis of causation and explanation has served as a major motivation for investigating conditionals, developing conditional logics, Bayesian networks, ranking theory, Ramsey Tests, and possible worlds semantics. This analysis, consequently, has evolved into a very fruitful […]

Submitted by Samuel Fletcher, MCMP, LMU Munich. ********************************************* The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites applications for the following event: SUMMER SCHOOL ON MATHEMATICAL PHILOSOPHY FOR FEMALE STUDENTS 2017 MCMP, LMU Munich July 30 – August 5, 2017 ********************************************* The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) is organizing the fourth Summer School on Mathematical […]

Submitted by Alexander Gebharter, DCLPS, University of Duesseldorf. Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy: SOPhiA 2017 September 13 – 15, 2017 Department of Philosophy (Humanities), University of Salzburg, Austria Aim SOPhiA 2017 provides an opportunity for students and doctoral candidates in philosophy to take a first peek into the philosophical business and to get in […]

Submitted by Stephan Hartmann, MCMP, LMU Munich. Call for Papers Reasoning and Argumentation in Science Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich 31 May – 2 June 2017   Progress in science is not only a matter of new models and theories, but also of new ways of reasoning and arguing for specific conclusions. In […]

Submitted by Markus Dressel, University of Hannover. Call for Abstracts: PROGRESS IN SCIENCE AND SOCIETY – Workshop with Philip Kitcher June 14, 2017 | Leibniz University Hannover | Deadline for submissions: March 12, 2017 Topic Is the notion of progress suitable to analyze such disparate endeavors as science, ethics, the economy or society as a […]

Submitted by Meinard Kuhlmann, University of Mainz. Call for Papers (CfP): AGPhil-Workshop “Epistemology of Big Data in Physics”, 13. – 17.3.2017, Bremen Die Arbeitsgruppe “Philosophie der Physik” (AGPhil) beteiligt sich auch im kommenden Jahr wieder an einer der Frühjahrstagungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), vom 13. – 17.3.2017 in Bremen ( Einreichungen zu jedem Thema […]

Submitted by Ulrich Krohs, University of Muenster. Start: 1st April 2017. 3-year positions (TV-L E13 65 %). Deadline for applications: 8th of January, 2017. The new DFG-funded Research Training Group “Evolutionary Processes in Adaptation and Disease” (EvoPAD, GRK 2220) unites biological, medical, and philosophical research at the University of Münster, Germany. The core idea is […]