CfP: Causation, Explanation, Conditionals (MCMP/GSN at LMU Munich, June 21-23, 2017)

Submitted by Mario Günther, LMU Munich.

Causation, Explanation, Conditionals


June 21-23, 2017

The analysis of causation and explanation has served as a major motivation for investigating conditionals, developing conditional logics, Bayesian networks, ranking theory, Ramsey Tests, and possible worlds semantics. This analysis, consequently, has evolved into a very fruitful and proliferating research program employing various logical and probabilistic approaches. The overarching objective of this conference is to bring together people working on and with conditional analyses of causation and explanation. More
specifically, we aim to address the following topics:

(1) Explanatory conditionals, semantic foundations and conditional logics
(2) Conditional, logical analyses of causation and explanation
(3) Conditional probabilities in accounts of causation and explanation
(4) Resolving problems of overdetermination, preemption, etc.
(5) Cognition of conditionals, causal, and explanatory relations
(6) Knowledge representation of causal and explanatory relations
(7) The application of causal analyses and/or frameworks in Neuroscience
(8) Expressivistic and computational limitations in the respective framework

Call for papers

Scholars working on causation, explanation, conditionals and/or related research are invited to submit an extended abstract (max. 1000 words) for presentation
at the workshop. The time slots for the presentation of contributed papers will be 45 or 60 minutes, depending on the number of submissions we receive. We especially encourage submissions from PhD students and early-career researchers.

Now open for submissions!

Please submit a short abstract (max. 100 words) and an extended abstract (max. 1000 words) through the easychair automatic submission system. Prepare both of your abstracts for blind review and save your extended abstract as a PDF file. Then follow the link to our easychair site. If you have never used easychair before you will need to create an account. When logged in, go to the new submission page. Include your 100 word abstract and upload the PDF file of your extended abstract.

Dates and Deadines

Deadline of Submission: April 1, 2017
Date of Notification: May 1, 2017
Date Conference: June 21-23, 2017

Mario Günther