The news section of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP)

Submitted by Markus Seidel (WWU Muenster).


Call for Abstracts / Registration

Das Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie (ZfW) der WWU Münster veranstaltet am

Donnerstag, den 11. Juli, 13:00 – 19:30 und
Freitag, den 12. Juli 2019, 9:00 bis 19:00

einen Workshop zum Thema

(Scientific) Observation and Background Effects
Conceptualization, Epistemic Issues, & Mechanisms.

Ort: Raum DPL 23.315, Philosophisches Seminar der WWU, Domplatz 23.

Welche Effekte können Hintergrundüberzeugungen auf wissenschaftliche Beobachtung haben? Diese in der Wissenschaftstheorie seit längerem gestellten Frage nach der Theoriebeladenheit hat in jüngerer Zeit durch einen eng verwandten Fragenkomplex in der Erkenntnistheorie, in der Philosophie des Geistes, aber auch in der Sozialphilosophie (implicit bias) und in den Neuro- und Kognitionswissenschaften (predictive coding) eine bedeutende Erweiterung erfahren. Im Fokus stehen zum einen Effekte, die nicht nur von Hintergrundannahmen, sondern von kognitiven Zuständen ganz allgemein ausgehen können (etwa von Wünschen, Hoffnungen, Befürchtungen, Vorurteilen oder Stimmungen). Zum anderen geht es um Effekte, die, von solchen Zuständen ausgehend, nicht nur die wissenschaftliche Erfahrung, sondern Erfahrung ganz allgemein beeinflussen (cognitive penetration). Zu denken ist etwa an die von Sally Haslanger vertretene These „Ideology manages experience.“ Fragen des Workshops sind:

  • Welche Arten von Einflüssen können Hintergrundzustände des Subjekts auf (wissenschaftliche und nicht-wissenschaftliche) Beobachtung haben, welche metaphysischen Erfahrungskonzeptionen haben Raum für und welche Mechanismen realisieren das Auftreten solcher Einflüsse?
  • Welche epistemischen Konsequenzen ergeben sich im Lichte der jeweiligen Arten von Einflüssen und im Lichte verschiedener Erfahrungs- bzw Beobachtungskonzeptionen? Muss man vielleicht der Erfahrung selbst einen rationalen Status zuweisen?

Im Ablauf des Workshops sind zwei Abschnitte reserviert, die NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen die Gelegenheit geben sollen, ihre Thesen zum Thema des Workshops vorzustellen. Geplant sind Vorträge von je ca. 40 Minuten Länge mit anschließender Diskussion von 30 Minuten. Interessierte sind hiermit herzlich eingeladen, bis zum 18.6.2019 einen Vorschlag mit Abstract an zu schicken. Die Organisatoren entscheiden dann zeitnah über die Annahme. Anreise nach und Unterkunft in Münster können anteilig übernommen werden.

Die Sprache des Workshops ist Englisch. Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist kostenlos, allerdings sind die Plätze begrenzt. Gebeten wird daher um eine Anmeldung per E-Mail an bis zum 18.6.2019.

Ass. Prof. Dr. Raja Rosenhagen, Ashoka University, Sonipat/India
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niko Strobach, Philosophisches Seminar der WWU

Submitted by Andrea Reichenberger (Paderborn University).


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sehr geehrte Kolleg*innen,

Wir möchten Ihnen den Pilot für ein Mentoring-Programm für akademische Philosoph*innen von SWIP Germany e.V. vorstellen und Sie einladen, bei Interesse als Mentor*in oder Mentee teilzunehmen.

Mit diesem Programm möchte SWIP Germany einen Beitrag zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Chancengleichheit leisten und dazu beitragen, die Unterrepräsentation von Frauen auf den höheren Qualifikationsstufen (vor allem auf der Ebene von PostDocs und Professor*innen) zu beheben, die in der deutschsprachigen akademischen Philosophie nach wie vor besteht.

Wir wollen “Nachwuchs”wissenschaftler*innen die Möglichkeit bieten, Wissenschaftler*innen, die bereits einige Karrierestufen weiter sind, punktuell und zu konkreten Problemen um Rat zu fragen. Anders als bei anderen Mentoring-Programmen geht es nicht zwingend um eine längerfristige Mentoring-Beziehung. Wir haben folgendes Vorgehen geplant:

– Die Mentor*innen geben in einem Formular an, zu welchen Themen sie Tipps geben können und wollen:

– Potentielle Mentees können ein Formular ausfüllen und die Themen angeben, zu welchen sie Beratungsbedarf haben:

– SWIP Germany sucht eine*n passende*n Mentor*in und fragt an, ob diese*r für ein Gespräch zu den von der Mentee angegebenen Themen zur Verfügung steht. Das Gespräch kann persönlich, telefonisch oder über Skype erfolgen und soll in der Regel nicht mehr als max. 1,5 Stunden in Anspruch nehmen.

–  Wir behandeln Ihr Engagement natürlich vertraulich, d.h. SWIP Germany veröffentlicht nicht, wer als Mentor*in oder Mentee involviert ist.

– Gerne können potentielle Mentorinnen zugleich auch Ihr Interesse äußern, Mentees zu sein. Das heißt konkret: Haben Sie als Mentorin das Formular ausgefüllt, dürfen Sie auch gerne das Formular für Mentees einreichen.

SWIP Germany bemüht sich darum, kein*e Mentor*in überproportional oft für Beratungsgespräche anzufragen, und zudem muss natürlich kein*e Mentor*in jede einzelne Anfrage annehmen. Ebenso können Mentees bestimmte Personen als Mentoren ablehnen. Wir sind dankbar, wenn Sie sich ein- bis zweimal im Jahr Zeit dafür nehmen, einer “Nachwuchs”wissenschaftlerin mit Ihrem Wissen zur Seite zu stehen!

Website des Programms:

Falls Sie Rückfragen oder Anregungen zum Programm haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, sich bei uns zu melden:

Wir freuen uns über Ihr Engagement für mehr Chancengleichheit in der deutschsprachigen Philosophie.

Mit den besten Grüßen
Ihr SWIP-Mentoring-Team: Christine Bratu, Lisa Herzog, Insa Lawler, Johanna Müller, Andrea Reichenberger, Almut von Wedelstaedt

Submitted by Meinard Kuhlmann (University of Mainz).


Workshop „Prognostische Implikationen interdisziplinärer Erforschung komplexer Systeme“ (Mainz, 3. Juni 2019, 10:00–16:00)



  • Meinard Kuhlmann: Vorhersagen bei komplexen Systemen — Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
  • Cornelis Menke: Vorhersagen neuartiger Phänomene in disziplinären und interdisziplinären Forschungsprogrammen
  • Jürgen Jost: Problems of economic theory from a complex systems perspective
  • Nils Bertschinger: Can we predict financial crashes — evidence from econophysics models?
  • Damien Challet: When complacency hits the fan: the dangers of quietness in financial markets
  • Eckehard Olbrich: Die Modellierung politischer Meinungsdynamiken
  • Mark Kirstein: Politikempfehlungen aus der Ergodizitätsökonomik: Das Ergodenproblem in der Ökonomik meistern — Risiko und Unsicherheit neu denken
  • Petra Ahrweiler: Agentenbasierte Simulation für wissenschaftliche Politikberatung mit dem SKIN-Modell3
  • Michel Schilperoord: Smart Policy Labs for Smart Cities

Ort: Rote „Infobox“ (Jakob-Welder-Weg 9, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei Meinard Kuhlmann (

If you are interested in participating, please contact Meinard Kuhlmann (

Submitted by Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla (DCLPS, University of Duesseldorf).

Call for Applications


August 25-31, 2019
DCLPS (Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science), University of Duesseldorf


  • Eckhart Arnold (Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
  • Elke Brendel (University of Bonn)
  • Filippo Ferrari (University of Bonn)
  • Simon Huttegger (University of California, Irvine)
  • Leander Vignero (KU Leuven)

Contemporary analytic philosophy makes heavy use of formal methods. However, most of the time people engaged in such a formal endeavour are highly specialised, for which reason they quite often focus on one particular branch of formal philosophy. This is also reflected in contemporary philosophical curricula, which typically offer highly specialised courses on particular formal methods, but only rarely cover a broad range of them. This summer school aims at providing an introductory overview of the main methods applied in formal philosophy or philosophical engineering: logical devising, model building, programming and simulating, and employing digital resources in the broader realm of digital humanities. By bringing together international experts in these fields, participants will gain competencies in applying a broad range of formal methods in their field of interest; for this purpose, each of the mentioned topics is covered by professional instructions, exercises, interactive group work, and the discussion of results by the participants. Furthermore, participants will be provided with opportunities to independently deepen their competencies in a particular topic of interest following completion of the course.

The summer school is suitable for anyone with some basic knowledge in logic (as is gained, e.g., by completing an elementary university course on logic). The main target audience is MA and PhD students, however, this is not an exclusive criterion, for which reason the summer school is also open for BA students.

Attending the summer school is free of charge. We provide a limited number of travel bursaries up to a maximum of 150EUR each (only participants with no travel support from their home institution or any other organisation are eligible for the travel bursary application).


  • Please apply via the online application form at our website: <>.
  • The deadline for applications is July 1, 2019.
  • If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the organiser “Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla (DCLPS)” <>.
  • The summer school is generously supported by the University of Duesseldorf and the Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS).

Submitted by Erik Curiel (MCMP, LMU Munich).


The Irvine-London-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Collaboration invites papers for the following event: 

The Second Irvine-London-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics 

Department of Philosophy (KGW), University of Salzburg 
HS 301, Franziskanergasse 1, 5020 Salzburg (Austria

2-3 September, 2019 


Over the past decades, important contributions to the mathematical and conceptual foundations of physical theories have been made within the philosophical community.  Conversely, critical analysis of the formal structures of our best physical theories inform central philosophical concerns, and in some cases new theorems have been proven and new lines of argument developed that are of philosophical significance.  This conference series aims to bring together philosophers, physicists, and mathematicians working on such issues.  This year’s event will be held on September 2-3, 2019 at the University of Salzburg (Austria).  It will immediately precede a workshop on “Symmetry and Equivalence in Physics” taking place on September 3-4, 2019.  Speakers for that workshop include Adam Caulton (Oxford), Ben Feintzeig (Washington), Doreen Fraser (Waterloo), Laura Ruetsche (Michigan), Giovanni Valente (Milan), and David Wallace (USC). 

Call for papers 

We invite the submission of papers on any topic of philosophy and foundations of physics by younger researchers.  Submissions by graduate students and post-doctoral scholars are particularly encouraged and will be given priority.  Papers of no longer than 5000 words should be submitted via EasyChair ( by 1 July, 2019.  Submissions should include a title, and a brief abstract (up to 200 words), and should be blinded for peer review.  They should be PDF files.  Decisions will be communicated soon after.

We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs.  Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome.  

Erik Curiel, MCMP/LMU Munich
Patricia Palacios, University of Salzburg
Bryan Roberts, London School of Economics
Giovanni Valente, Politecnico di Milano
Jim Weatherall, University of California, Irvine
Charlotte Werndl, University of Salzburg

Submitted by Ludger Jansen (Ruhr University Bochum & University of Rostock).


Call for Papers


*SoLEE 2019*

Workshop on Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities


Part of The Joint Ontology Workshops JOWO 2019,
Medical University of Graz, September 23-25, 2019

Workshop Webpage:
JOWO 2019 Webpage:


Understanding the ontological nature of social, legal and economic concepts and institutions is crucial for providing principled modelling in many important domains such as enterprise modelling, business processes, and social ontology. A significant number of fundamental concepts that are ubiquitous in economics, social, and legal sciences – such as value, risk, capability, good, service, exchange, transaction, competition, social norm, group, institution – have only recently been approached from a specifically ontological perspective.

It is therefore important to offer a venue to gather the recent contributions to this topic. The workshop encourages submissions on both theoretical and methodological issues in the use of ontologies for modelling social, legal and economic concepts and institutions, as well as submissions on concrete use of ontologies in application for these domains. The workshop relates mainly to two previous events (SoLE-BD and Ontology of Economics 2018).

We intend to broaden the focus in order to explore the emerging question how to deal with social entities in general, and to connect well established domains like biomedicine and business ontologies in this respect. The goals of the workshop are:

  • to collect approaches to deal with social, legal and economic entities in foundational and applied ontologies and
  • discuss applications of these approaches to social, legal and economic entities in ontologies for biomedicine and business informatics
  • The workshop is intended to serve as a meeting point for stakeholders from applied ontology and the respective domain disciplines.

Topics of interest include but are not restricted to:

  • Ontology of social, legal, and economic concepts – e.g., groups, norms, cooperation, competition, economic and legal agent, utility, money, risk, rationality, market, etc.
  • Extensions of foundational ontologies to include social, legal, and economic institutions.
  • Knowledge representation involving social, legal and economic entities.
  • Methodological issues in representing social legal, and economic concepts.
  • Formal languages for economics, logics for modelling economic, social and legal concepts.
  • Social and legal norms – in social, legal and economic environments.
  • Social, legal and economic roles and responsibilities of/within collective entities like organisations, companies, enterprises, social groups, customers, corporate agents, institutions.
  • Decision procedures in groups, organisations and institutions.
  • Value, value ascription, value production, value (co-)creation.
  • Enterprise modelling: capabilities, strategy, marketing, accounting.
  • Finance and markets.
  • Services, service science, product-service systems.
  • Business ontology and business process modelling.


*Important Dates*

  • Submission deadline: May 15, 2019
  • Notification: June 15, 2019
  • Camera-ready: July 15, 2019
  • Workshop during JOWO 2019: September 23-25, 2019

The exact date of the workshop will be announced after co-ordination with other JOWO events.


*Submission guidelines*

Papers should be between 5 and 10 pages long and be formatted according to the IOS Press formatting guidelines, downloadable here:

Papers should be uploaded in PDF format via Easy Chair:


*Workshop organisers*

  • Ludger Jansen, Ruhr University Bochum & University of Rostock
  • Mathias Brochhausen, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock
  • Nicola Guarino, ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
  • Daniele Porello, ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento


*Programme Committee*

  • Mauricio Almeida, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Mike Bennett, Hypercube, England
  • Frederik Elwert, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  • Roberta Ferrario, ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento, Italy
  • Pawel Garbacz, KUL Lublin, Poland
  • Amanda Hicks, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States
  • Paul Johannesson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Riichiro Mizoguchi, JAIST, Japan
  • Neil Otte, Johns Hopkins University, United States
  • Chris Partridge, BORO Solutions, London, England
  • Tiago Prince Sales, University of Trento, Italy
  • Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany
  • Barry Smith, University at Buffalo, United States
  • Gloria Zuniga, Ashford, United States
  • (Confirmation pending for some PC members.)

Submitted by Catherine Herfeld (University of Zurich).

Applications are invited for the master class entitled

The Nature of the Social World: Foundations and Applications.

We are pleased to have Professor Brian Epstein (Tufts University) as the lecturer. The master class will take place on May 31 to June 1, 2019 at the Philosophy Department of the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Please find a short synopsis and a reading list here:

Participants are expected to have read the texts. PhD students at the UZH are required to book the module in order to get credit points.

This master class is an opportunity for Master and PhD students in philosophy and history of science/special sciences as well as economics to work intensely over two days with a world-leading philosopher in their field. An informal setting, small group size, and a workshop format combine to create an atmosphere that fosters intellectual stimulation, a high level of discussion, and collaborative development of ideas.

The number of participating students is limited. No fees apply. If you would like to be considered for a place, please send an expression of interest, including a brief description of your area of research and how you hope to benefit from the master class to the latest by May 1, 2019. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Herfeld ( or Stefan Riegelnik (

Submitted by Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla (DCLPS, University of Duesseldorf).

Aaron Wendland from the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, recently launched a popular philosophy column in the New Statesman. The column aims to provide a space for publicly-minded academics to address contemporary social, cultural, and political issues from a philosophical point of view.

So far, pieces by Martha Nussbaum, Jeff McMahan, Judith Butler, and Tim Williamson have been published. In the upcoming weeks, there will be articles by Simon Blackburn, Wendy Brown, Sally Haslanger, and Peter Singer.

To give you a sense of what the new column is all about, here is a link to the inaugural article of Aaron:

A link to the homepage can be found here:

Anyone who is interested in the column is encouraged to follow Aaron on Twitter @ajwendland for new articles and regular updates.

Submitted bei Neil Dewar (MCMP, LMU Munich).

***Extended deadline: MCMP Summer School in Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students***

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy is organising the sixth edition of the Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, taking place from 28th July to 3rd August 2019.

The deadline for applications has been extended: applications are invited until 31st March 2019.

This year, we will have the following lecture streams:

  1. “Formal epistemology”, led by Anna-Maria Asunta Eder (University of Cologne)
  2. “Barriers to Entailment”, led by Gillian Russell (UNC Chapel Hill)
  3. “Philosophy of Algorithms and Simulations”, led by Lena Zuchowski (University of Bristol)

For more information about the program, please consult the summer school website at If you have any further questions about the summer school, please contact the organising committee at

The summer school is open to women with a keen interest in mathematical philosophy. Applicants should be students of philosophy (or philosophically minded logicians or scientists) at an advanced undergraduate level, in a master program, or at an early PhD level. To apply for participation, please see the instructions at you will need to provide a copy of your CV and a statement of purpose as part of the application. There will be an opportunity for some of the students at the summer school to present their own research; if you would be interested in doing so, please also provide an abstract (up to 500 words) together with your application.

The deadline for applications has been extended to 31st March 2019.

Decisions will be made by 15th April 2019. The participation fee is 200€. (Note that the participation fee does not cover accommodation expenses.) The language of all events will be English.

Submitted by Stephan Hartmann (MCMP, LMU Munich).


12th MuST (Munich-Sydney-Turin) Conference in Philosophy of Science


Third Workshop “Perspectives on Scientific Error”


LMU Munich, Germany

1-4 July 2019 

Invited Speakers:

Deborah Mayo, Virginia Tech

Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University

Miklós Rédei, London School of Economics

Uri Simonsohn, Universitat Ramón Llull


The MuST (Munich-Sydney-Turin) conference series in philosophy of science joins forces with the workshop series “Perspectives on Scientific Error” to bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers interested in issues of scientific method and statistical inference. The conference topic is


The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:

—the explanatory and inferential function of statistical models in the sciences 

—the foundations of statistical inference 

—the relationship between statistical reasoning and scientific error

—the place of statistics in scientific method 

—the replicability of research findings 

—techniques for detecting and correcting scientific error 

—reform proposals for scientific method (e.g., Bayesian vs. frequentist statistics, publication practices, incentive structures) 

—reliable methods of aggregating and interpreting evidence 

—values in science, and their impact on scientific error 


Please submit an extended abstract (max 1000 words) and a short abstract (max 100 words) suitable for blind review until *28 April 2019* via the EasyChair review system (link below).  There are two categories: presentations and posters. 


28 April: Submission Deadline
10 May: Notification of Acceptance
15 June: Registration Deadline
1-4 July: Conference


Submission via EasyChair:
Conference website:


Mattia Andreoletti (University of Turin)
Mark Colyvan (University of Sydney)
Noah van Dongen (University of Turin)
Paul Griffiths (University of Sydney)
Stephan Hartmann (LMU Munich)
Daniël Lakens (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Barbara Osimani (Marche Polytechnical University at Ancona & LMU Munich)
Jan-Willem Romeijn (University of Groningen)
Felipe Romero (University of Groningen)
Jan Sprenger (University of Turin)

The conference is jointly organized by the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at the LMU Munich and the Center for Logic, Language and Cognition (LLC) of the University of Turin. 

Financial support from ERC Starting Investigator Grants No. 639276, “Philosophy of Pharmacology”, directed by Barbara Osimani (Ancona/Munich) and No. 640638, “Making Scientific Inferences More Objective”, directed by Jan Sprenger (Turin), is gratefully acknowledged.

For further questions please contact

Call for Papers

Free Will and Causality

September 26-27, 2019, Duesseldorf, Germany

The conference aims at bringing together experts on free will and causality in order to explore what the debates about these topics can learn from each other. In particular, the connection between metaphysical aspects of the free will problem and how they depend on or relate to causation in general as well as to more specific theories of causation shall be investigated. It is, for example, widely believed that free will requires control and that control is a causal notion. Whether one is a compatibilist or a libertarian, one must have a theory of control that the agent exerts over her actions. Another important requirement for free will, according to sourcehood libertarians, is ultimate origination of one’s actions: to have free will is to be able to initiate causal chains, i.e., to have a certain causal ability, sometimes referred to as a ‘causal power’. These causal notions might greatly profit from being treated in accordance with different accounts of causation. Different understandings of free will might, the other way round, support different theories of causation or might help in solving tasks such as identifying causal structure.

Our conference will address questions like the following ones:

  • What concepts of causation are required by libertarian and compatibilist theories of free will?
  • Which constraints and consequences follow from the endorsement of specific theories of causation for one’s understanding of control that the agent exerts over her actions?
  • What is the relation between concepts such as free will, agency, sourcehood, control, intervention, causation, and (in)determinism?

Questions to be addressed at the conference might also include traditional problems regarding the compatibility of free will with physical determinism and indeterminism or the conceptual relations between free will, rational deliberation, and moral responsibility as well as their bearing for different understandings of causation.

The conference will, in addition to contributed papers, also feature talks by several invited speakers. We are happy to announce the following invited speakers:

  • Sander Beckers, Utrecht University
  • Hans Briegel, University of Innsbruck
  • Laura Ekstrom, College of William & Mary in Virginia
  • Nadine Elzein, University of Oxford
  • Robert Kane, University of Texas at Austin
  • Christian Loew, University of Cologne
  • Timothy O’Connor, Indiana University

We invite submissions of abstracts for 30 minutes presentations followed by 15 min discussions. Proposals may be submitted on any of the aforementioned questions, but also on related topics. Please submit your abstract (max. 700 words), prepared for blind-review, via email (subject: “SUBMISSION – FREE WILL AND CAUSALITY – YOUR SURNAME) to The name of the author as well as affiliation information should be included in the email. The submission deadline is April 30, 2019.

The conference is organized by Maria Sekatskaya (DCLPS, University of Duesseldorf), Alexander Gebharter (University of Groningen), and Gerhard Schurz (DCLPS, University of Duesseldorf). The event is funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) research group FOR 2495: Inductive Metaphysics.

More information about the conference can be found at

There is no conference fee and attendance is open to all. Since space is limited, however, attendees not giving a presentation are required to register before the conference via sending an email to

Submitted by Maria Kronfeldner (CEU).

EPSA Fellowships Overview

The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) offers visiting Fellowships for Central and Eastern European philosophers of science. The aim of the EPSA in making these awards is to create opportunities for early career researchers to carry out research at a leading research institution in Western Europe. An EPSA Fellowship will typically cover travel, accommodation, and living expenses for up to one month. EPSA Fellows will be resident at their host institution and take part in its research activities.

The call for applications for 2019/20 is currently open. The deadline is 15 April 2019.

Call for Applications 2019/20

NEW The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) is excited to announce 18 EPSA Fellowships for junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe to visit a leading research institution in Western Europe.

The fellowship covers travel, accommodation and living expenses for approximately one month (details below) in the academic year 2019/20. During their visit, successful candidates will be members of the host institution and take part in its research activities.

Eligible are philosophers of science who are in the last six months of their PhD period, or have been awarded their PhD no more than five years prior to the application deadline. Applicants who were on maternity or sick leave, or have only worked part-time in philosophy after receiving their PhD, can apply for an extension of the five-year period. Applicants who wish to apply for such an extension should explain their circumstances in their application and the EPSA committee will consider their case. Applicants must work in one of the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

Participating Institutions 2019/20

How to Apply

To apply send the following to by 15th April 2019:

    1. A CV
    2. A list indicating which of the above-mentioned centres you would like to visit and why (you can list a maximum of three institutions and should indicate a preference ranking).
    3. A letter of motivation detailing your interest in the scheme (maximum of approximately 400 words) and five keywords specifying your topical focus.
    4. A research proposal for the time of the visit (approximately 2000 words).
    5. For candidates who have not defended their PhD yet: A letter from their supervisor confirming that by the time the fellowship starts, the student is very likely to have defended the thesis.
    6. Applications must be made in English. The above should be merged into one PDF file in the order listed. Results will be announced in June 2019.

The fine print:

    • Scholars who held an EPSA Fellowships for junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe in previous years are not eligible.
    • Applicants need not be members of EPSA at the time of applying. However, successful candidates are expected to become EPSA members before taking up their fellowships.
    • Successful candidates will be put in touch with their future host institution and the details of the visit (exact dates, financial and accommodation arrangements, visa sponsorship, etc.) will be agreed directly between the candidates and their hosts (without involvement of EPSA). Local circumstances vary and no general commitments about levels of funding can be made.

Fellowship Committee

    • Raffaella Campaner
    • Maria Kronfeldner
    • Javier Suárez Diaz

Submitted by Paul Hasselkuß (University of Duesseldorf).


Call for Abstracts: 30th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
“Mathematical Cultures, Values and Norms”

31st October – 2nd November 2019, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA), Strasbourg, France

The Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics is an annual international conference aimed at PhD and postdoctoral students (young scholars) in the history and philosophy of mathematics.

In 2019 the Novembertagung will be held in Strasbourg. Lodging will be at the CIARUS from 30/10 to 02/11 and the conferences at the IRMA, from 31/10 to 02/11. The invited speakers are June Barrow-Green (Open University) and Roy Wagner (ETH Zurich).

Mathematical knowledge is commonly thought of as being essentially universal: its truths are eternal and incontrovertible, its propositions understandable and agreeable by all, independent of linguistic, cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds, its formulation and validation requiring little more than pen and paper. However, global knowledge, as mathematics seems to be, is always produced locally. As such, it hinges upon collectively shared ways of practicing, writing, and communicating mathematics. This year’s Novembertagung invites participants to reflect broadly on one or several of the following questions:
  • How can we characterize mathematical communities and cultures? What historiographical and epistemological categories should one use when describing these shared ways of doing mathematics?
  • How does mathematical knowledge circulate between these communities?
  • What role do values and norms, be it epistemic, aesthetic or political, play in the shaping of mathematical cultures?
  • What role do values and norms play in shaping the individual mathematician and his work?
  • How can historians and philosophers evaluate the impact of these cultural aspects on the mathematics being produced?

Contributions less strictly related to this theme are also welcome; however, establishing links with the theme will allow for more fruitful discussions, and as such is recommended. We are happy to host presentations pertaining to historical, historiographical, or philosophical discussions of this theme.
Abstracts, of around 250 words, should be submitted by May 15th 2019, via the submission form: If you have any questions, you can contact the organisers via mail:

The conference is organised by Paul Hasselkuß (Düsseldorf), Tiago Hirth (Lisbon), Deborah Kant (Konstanz), Rosie Lev-Halutz (Tel Aviv), Nicolas Michel (Paris, Sphere), Gatien Ricotier (Strasbourg) and Benjamin Wilck (HU Berlin).

For now, the 30th Novembertagung is graciously supported by the GDR 3398 “Histoire des mathématiques”, the Labex IRMIA and the Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA).

Submitted by Simon Friederich (University of Groningen).

Call for Papers: Workshop “Probabilities in Cosmology”

Groningen, 21 June – 23 June 2019

In cosmology probabilities appear in multiple different guises. We use them when we assess the naturalness of a certain value of the cosmological constant, when we assign likelihoods to possible initial conditions of the universe, when we judge the probability of cosmic inflation, or when we ascribe the probability of there being life in certain universes in the vicinity of certain types of stars. In this workshop we aim to identify differences and commonalities in the use of different applications of probability in cosmology, and to distinguish fruitful and legitimate uses from misleading and illegitimate ones.

This workshop brings together specialists from different physical and philosophical disciplines including epistemology, philosophy of statistical mechanics, general relativity, quantum gravity, string theory, and astrobiology. It starts on Friday 21 June in the evening with a popular lecture by Sabine Hossenfelder, based on her recent book “Lost in Math.” Invited and contributed talk will be scheduled on Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June.

Submissions of abstracts for contributed talks by researchers from diverse backgrounds are very welcome! Abstracts should be around 300 words. They should be sent to Simon Friederich, A limited number of travel grants for graduate students and early career researchers is available. If you are interested in such a grant, please indicate this when submitting your abstract and briefly sketch your motivation for contributing to the workshop.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 March 2019.
Decision letters will be sent out no later than 5 April 2019.

Invited speakers:

Pratika Dayal (University of Groningen)
Sabine Hossenfelder (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
Katie Robertson (University of Cambridge)
Chris Smeenk (University of Western Ontario)
David Sloan (University of Lancaster)
Robert Wald (University of Chicago)
Claire Zukowski (University of Amsterdam)

The workshop is organized by Simon Friederich, Sean Gryb, and Diederik Roest (University of Groningen).
For further information please contact Simon Friederich (

Submitted by Jan Baedke (Ruhr University Bochum).

The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions
Ruhr University Bochum, 21st – 22nd March 2019

This workshop will bring together scholars from history and philosophy of biology as well as biologists who have worked on the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (including fields such as epigenetics, niche construction theory, and evo-devo) from biotheoretical, philosophical, and historical perspectives. A particular focus of the workshop will be laid on the past and present conceptual, explanatory, and methodological challenges evolutionary theory faces.

Andrew Buskell (University of Cambridge), Peter Hammerstein (Humboldt University of Berlin), Philippe Huneman (CNRS, Paris), Eva Jablonka (Tel-Aviv University), Ulrich Krohs (University of Münster), Vanessa Lux (Ruhr University Bochum), Francesca Merlin (CNRS, Paris), Gerd B. Müller (Konrad Lorenz Institute/University of Vienna), Daniel J. Nicholson (Konrad Lorenz Institute), Alejandro Fábregas Tejeda (UNAM, Mexico City), Tobias Uller (Lund University)

Jan Baedke & Christina Brandt
Institute of Philosophy I,
Centre for Anthropological Knowledge in Scientific and Technological Cultures (CAST)


Location: Beckmanns Hof, Ruhr University Bochum, 21st – 22nd March 2019

Best regards,
Jan Baedke

Submitted by MCTS

Responsible Innovation Cultures
International Summer School

14-18 October 2019

Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS)
Technical University of Munich (TUM)

The Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS, Technical University of Munich) is very happy to announce to be host of the 5th annual German Summer School of Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS).

The school will focus on the question of how responsible innovation cultures can be established within institutions of higher education and research, such as universities, and will explore what responsibility in research, development and training might look like in different situated institutional contexts.

In various talks and workshops, the summer school will address questions like:

§  Responsible Research Innovation: hype or hope?

§  Who’s responsible? Exploring the role of different actors within responsible innovation cultures.

§  Who’s included? RRI and public engagement.

§  RRI in a global context: Responsibility, knowledge and global power structures.

§  Training for RRI? Responsible innovation cultures in higher education.

All detailed information regarding the contents, workshops, talks and application can be found in the attached call for participation and on the website of HERSS.

We encourage you to spread the word about this summer school on multifaceted responsible innovation cultures – particularly addressing PhD students, early-career postdocs, and science policy experts/practitioners.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications (open until 14 April 2019).

Please let us know if you have any questions:

Best regards,

Sabine Maasen, Ruth Müller & the organizing team

Submitted by Erik Curiel (MCMP, LMU Munich).



The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the following event:

All Things Reichenbach

MCMP, LMU Munich

22-24 July, 2019


Hans Reichenbach (1891-1953), one of the founding fathers of Logical Empiricism, is among the most important philosophers of science of the Twentieth Century and without doubt one of the most prominent philosophers of physics of the first half of the past century.  Many of his ideas still retain their interest in current philosophy of science, and his work continues to be influential, often in unnoticed but deep ways.  This conference is dedicated to highlighting the importance of Reichenbach and his legacy, across all areas of his thought, specifically focusing on the issues raised within his work, and on the current debates surrounding them.  

Call for abstracts
We invite the submission of extended abstracts for the conference.  Submissions should include a title, a brief abstract (up to 200 words), and a full abstract (up to 1000 words), blinded for peer review. They should be PDF files, submitted by 06 April, 2019 to the conference’s EasyChair account  We will select up to 6 submissions for presentation at the conference.

We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs.  Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. The  conference will be organized and run under the MCMP’s code of conduct

Please send registration requests by 15 July 2019 to the co-chair Erik Curiel.  The email should have the subject: “register Reichenbach conference” and should indicate whether you plan to attend the conference dinner (23 July, 2019).  The conference dinner will cost EUR 35 (alcohol not included).

Dates and Deadines
Deadlines for Submission: 06 April 2019
Date of Notification: 06 May 2019 
Registration Deadline: 15 July 2019

Erik Curiel, MCMP/LMU Munich (co-chair)
Flavia Padovani, Department of English & Philosophy, Drexel University (co-chair) 

The conference is organized and supported by the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (LMU Munich).  The conference is partly funded by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and by support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundationand from the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn.

Submitted by Lena Kästner (Saarland University).


The Department of Philosophy at Saarland University is seeking applications for a Research Assistant (m/f/d) position to be filled as soon as possible:


Reference Number W1485; salary in accordance with the German TV-L salary scale, pay grade E13 TV-L, employment: period: 3 years, hours worked: 50 % of the standard working hours.



You will hold a faculty position associated with the junior professorship for Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Systems at the Department of Philosophy at Saarland University.


Job Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • seeking academic qualification by conducting a PhD or PostDoc project
  • independent teaching of once course per semester (2 SWS)
  • supporting the junior professor for Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Systems, e.g. in the academic 


You will be granted individual supervision for your PhD or PostDoc project with the possibility to engage in collaborative work with empirical researchers (e.g. from psychology or computer science). Additionally, you will have the opportunity to further develop your personal academic profile. The campus wide Graduate Program GradUS offers various individual qualification measures and networking opportunities for PhD students at Saaarland University.


Your academic qualifications:

You hold an academic degree (e.g. masters or diploma) in philosophy or another subject area relevant to the philosophy of the mind and cognitive systems (e.g. cognitive science, psychology, computer science) or, if you are applying as a PostDoc, you hold a PhD in a relevant area.


The successful candidate will also be expected to:

  • be fluent in written and spoken English,
  • be able to communicate in German or be willing to learn German (ideally, he/she will able to teach in German),
  • have significant training in analytical philosophy or to be able to provide evidence of relevant analytic philosophy competence,
  • to be highly interested in working at the intersection of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Mind, e.g. on the 
topics of discovery and explanation of cognitive phenomena,
  • have a concrete outline of your project or a first draft (approx. 2 pages) based on which you aim to develop your 
  • enjoy working in teams and developing collaborative projects
  • enjoy working in an interdisciplinary environment and have the ability to share his/her expertise with researchers 
from other disciplines
  • be willing to present his/her work internationally and represent the subject area of Philosophy of Mind and 
Cognitive Systems


What we offer: 

  • A flexible work schedule (e.g. telecommuting) allowing you to balance work and family.
  • A broad range of further education and professional development programs.
  • An occupational health management model with numerous attractive options, such as our university sports 
  • Supplementary pension scheme (RZVK).
  • Discounted tickets on local public transport services (‘Jobticket‘).


We are looking forward to receive your (written) application under Reference Number W1485 by March 11th 2019. It should include your project outline, CV, relevant certificates, the names of two reviewers and a writing sample (max. 20 pages, e.g. an essay, a paper, part of the master thesis, etc.).


Please submit your application – preferably digital, in a single .pdf file – to:


Universität des Saarlandes

JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner

Philosophisches Institut

Campus A2 3, Zi.: 0.04

66123 Saarbrücken



Application documents will not be returned. Please only submit copies of your documents and do not use plastic wallets, folders, ring binders, etc.


If you have any questions, please contact us for assistance.

Your contact: 
JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner ( Tel.: +49 681 302 2841


In accordance with the objectives of its equal opportunities plan, Saarland University seeks to increase the proportion of women in this field. Qualified women candidates are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Preferential consideration will be given to applications from disabled candidates of equal eligibility.


Pay grade classification is based on the particular details of the position held and the extent to which the applicant meets the requirements of the pay grade within the TV-L salary scale.


When you submit a job application to Saarland University you will be transmitting personal data. Please refer to our privacy notice for information on how we collect and process personal data in accordance with Art. 13 of the Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO). By submitting your application you confirm that you have taken note of the information in the Saarland University privacy notice (Datenschutzerklärung).


This is a translation of the official German job offer which can be retrieved at:

Submitted by Marta Sznajder (MCMP, LMU Munich).


PROGIC 2019: Ninth Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Frankfurt, Germany, July 7-10, 2019
The Ninth Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (PROGIC 2019) continues the progic workshop series. The focus of this iteration of PROGIC is decision making, with an emphasis on advances in descriptive, normative, and prescriptive models of decision making.

Scholars who combine probability and logic to models of decision making are invited to submit an extended abstract (~1000 words, pdf format) for presentation at the workshop.  The submissions page will also ask for a short abstract (~200 words) and keywords to sort submissions for review.

Topics include but are not restricted to

  • Argument strength
  • Belief revision
  • Causal modeling
  • Conditionals and decision making
  • Decision making under severe uncertainty
  • Descriptive models of decision making
  • Desirability 
  • Game probability
  • Group decision making
  • Independence 
  • Elicitation and scoring
  • Formal epistemology and decision making
  • Foundations – philosophical & mathematical
  • Lexicographic probabilities and decision making
  • Machine learning & decision making
  • Sequential decision making

Dates and Deadlines

  • Submission deadline: March 20, 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: April 10, 2019
  • Conference: July 8-10, 2019

Invited Speakers


Program Committee

Organizing committee


The conference will be held at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Adickesalle 23-34, 60322 Frankfurt am Main


All questions about submissions should be emailed to Gregory Wheeler,

Submitted by Martin Carrier (Bielefeld University).

Fully funded PhD post in philosophy of science over 3 years available at Bielefeld University

Applications are invited for a fully funded (65% TV-L 13) PhD-position for three years (fixed term) in philosophy of science at Bielefeld University (beginning April 15, 2019). The post is part of a DFG-funded project on research in the context of practice. The project is supposed to inquire into the practical fruitfulness of heuristic strategies. This question will be addressed by analyzing a pool of practically relevant research projects from the sciences and comparing their goals and accomplishments. The pertinent projects are driven by societal demand but aim to gain scientifically relevant knowl­edge in addition.

Deadline for applications: February 21, 2019.

The material to be analyzed is in German. Therefore, command of German is required. For additional details see below.

Ihre Aufgaben

Die Stelle umfasst Aufgaben im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts „Forschung im Praxiskontext“. Gegenstand des Projekts ist es, Forschungsstrategien und heuristische Vorgehensweisen zu identifizieren, die zu praktisch möglichst fruchtbaren Resultaten führen. Dabei steht die Verbindung von Erkenntnisgewinnung und konkreter Nutzbarkeit im Zentrum. Diese Verbindung soll durch Analyse einer Reihe praktisch relevanter Projekte aus den Naturwissenschaften näher untersucht werden. Die Projektziele werden dabei mit den Projektresultaten verglichen (welche aus Projektbeschreibungen und -berichten, Veröffentlichungen und Interviews gewonnen werden). Im Fokus stehen Projekte, die an gesellschaftlichem Bedarf anknüpfen, aber darüber hinaus einen Zuwachs an wissenschaftlichem Verstehen anstreben. Die ausgeschriebene Stelle ist auf die physikalischen oder chemischen Wissenschaften oder die Ingenieurswissenschaften ausgerichtet (in einem breiten, individuell unterschiedlich konkretisierbaren Sinn).

Das Projekt ist am Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science (I2SoS) angesiedelt, in dem Wissenschaftsphilosophie, -geschichte und -ökonomie vertreten sind. Die Möglichkeit des Anschlusses an das Graduiertenkolleg „Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientifc Research“ besteht. Das I2SoS ist ein lebendiges Institut, das wissenschaftliche Vielfalt und internationalen Austausch betont. Eine Beteiligung an den Aktivitäten des I2SoS ist erwünscht.

Ihr Profil

Das erwarten wir

  • abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium, welches eine Promotion in der Philosophie erlaubt
  • Hintergrundwissen in den physikalischen oder chemischen Wissenschaften oder den Ingenieurswissenschaften
  • selbstständiges, eigenverantwortliches und engagiertes Arbeiten
  • ausgeprägte Organisations-und Koordinationsfähigkeit
  • kooperative und teamorientierte Arbeitsweise

Unser Angebot

Die Vergütung erfolgt nach der Entgeltgruppe 13 des Tarifvertrages für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L). Die Stelle ist gemäß §2 Absatz 1 Satz 1WissZeitVGfür die Dauer von drei Jahren befristet (entsprechend den Vorgaben des WissZeitVGund des Vertrages über gute Beschäftigungsbedingungen kann sich im Einzelfall eine abweichende Vertragslaufzeit ergeben). Die Beschäftigung ist der wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung förderlich. Es handelt sich um eine befristete Teilzeitstelle im Umfang von 65 % von Vollbeschäftigung. Auf Wunsch ist grundsätzlich auch eine Stellenbesetzung in geringerem Umfang möglich, soweit nicht im Einzelfall zwingende dienstliche Gründe entgegenstehen.

Die Universität Bielefeld legt Wert auf Chancengleichheit und die Entwicklung ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Sie bietet attraktive interne und externe Fortbildungen und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. Zudem können Sie eine Vielzahl von Gesundheits-, Beratungs-und Präventionsangeboten nutzen. Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie hat einen hohen Stellenwert.


Wir freuen uns über Ihre Bewerbung per Post an die untenstehende Anschrift oder per E-Mail unter Angabe der Kennziffer wiss19001 in einem einzigen pdf-Dokument an bis zum 21. Februar 2019. Bitte verzichten Sie auf Bewerbungsmappen und reichen Sie ausschließlich Fotokopien ein, da die Bewerbungsunterlagen nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet werden. Weitere Informationen zur Universität Bielefeld finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter Bitte beachten Sie, dass Gefährdungen der Vertraulichkeit und der unbefugte Zugriff Dritter bei einer Kommunikation per unverschlüsselter E-Mail nicht ausgeschlossen werden können. Informationen zur Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie unter

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie
-Die Dekanin-
Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. Martin Carrier
0521 106-4596 (Sekretariat: -6894)

Link zur Ausschreibung