

Material for GWP.2016


Plenary Speakers



Programme Schedule

Tuesday, March 8
Registration, foyer
Opening, room 3D
14:30-15:00 Andrea von Hülsen-Esch (Vice-President for International Relations)
Holger Lyre (President of the GWP)
Gerhard Schurz (Chair of the LOC, DCLPS)
Plenary Lecture, room 3D (Chair: P. Thorn)
15:00-16:15 Alexander Rosenberg: The Biological Character of Social Theory
16:15-16:45 Refreshments, foyer
Room 3B Room 3C Room 3D Room 22 Room 24
Philosophy of the Natural Sciences I (Chair: M. Frisch) Philosophy of the Life Sciences I (Chair: G. Vosgerau) General Philosophy of Science I (Chair: P. Brössel) Symposium: Constitution and Constitutional Discovery (Chair: C. Feldbacher-Escamilla) SPS-GWP Symposium: From Genetics to Culture – Lines, Gaps and Bridges (Chair: M. Kronfeldner)
16:45-17:25 Kian Salimkhani: Quantum Gravity: An Ideology of Unification? Teresa Behl: Pitfalls and Perspectives in Comparative Psychology Markus Schrenk: Emergence for Better Best System Laws Jens Harbecke: A Theory of Constitutive Inference for the Regularity Account of Mechanistic Constitution

Michael Baumgartner and Lorenzo Casini: Bayesian Constitutional Discovery

Alexander Gebharter: Uncovering Constitutive Relevance Relations in Mechanisms

Francesca Merlin: Epigenetics and the Explanation of Development: The Mirage of Moving Beyond Reductionism

Christian Sachse: Possible Limits of Reductive Explanations

Cédric Paternotte: Information and the Evolution of Social Preferences

17:25-18:05 Julian Husmann and Paul Näger: Physical Composition as Bonding Philipp Haueis: What are Organizational Principles in Contemporary Brain Mapping? Ludwig Fahrbach: Past Realists Thought the Same …
18:05-18:45 Carsten Held: Antecedent-Strengthening and Ceteris Paribus Laws Jonathan Surovell: Some Do’s and Don’ts of Defining Empirical Significance: A Carnapian Analysis
19:30-22:00 Conference Dinner, Brauerei Zum Schlüssel, Bolkerstra&szlige 41-47


Wednesday, March 9
Plenary Lecture, room 3D (Chair: U. Feest)
09:15-10:30 Michela Massimi: A (Possibly) Even Better Best System Account of Lawhood
10:30-11:00 Refreshments, foyer
Room 3B Room 3C Room 3D Room 22 Room 24
Philosophy of the Natural Sciences II (Chair: M. Stoeltzner) Philosophy of the Life Sciences II (Chair: M. Kaiser) General Philosophy of Science II (Chair: M. Schrenk) History of Philosophy of Science (Chair: H. Pulte) Symposium: Absences, Deficiencies and Malfunctions in Biological and Medical Explanations (Chair: T. Reydon)
11:00-11:40 Enno Fischer: The Role of the Concept of Causation in Physics Hardy Schilgen: From Ontological Interaction, to Epistemic Integration and Integrative Pluralism Ina Goy: Kant’s Views on Preformation and Epigenesis Ludger Jansen: Functions, Malfunctioning, and Negative Causation

Thomas Schramme: The Quantitative Problem for Theories of Function and Dysfunction

Peter McLaughlin: Speciesism, Species Norm and the Lack of Species-Typical Traits in Moral Argumentation

11:40-12:20 Andrea Reichenberger: Causality in General Relativity. “Partial Determination” Revisited Anne Sophie Meincke: The Philosophical Concept of Agency between Systems Biology and Artificial Intelligence Rico Hauswald: Scientific Pluralism and its Trade-Offs
12:20-13:00 Mathias Frisch: Quantum Mechanics and Retro-Causation Hajo Greif: Teleosemantics and the Meaning of Adaptation Bas de Boer: The Perspective of the Instruments: Mediating Intersubjectivity Markus Seidel: The Vibe Around 1930: Scientism and Political Philosophy of Science
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break
JGPS Lecture, room 3D (Chair: U. Krohs)
15:00-16:15 Rainer Hegselmann: Thomas C. Schelling and James M. Sakoda – How to Become an Unknown Pioneer?
16:15-16:45 Refreshments, foyer
Room 3B Room 3C Room 3D Room 22 Room 24
Philosophy of the Natural Sciences III (Chair: R. Dawid) Philosophy of the Life Sciences III (Chair: J. Harbecke) General Philosophy of Science III (Chair: C. Held) Causality (Chair: D. Hommen) Symposium: The Relation between Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Engineering after the Practice Turn (Chair: R. Hillerbrand)
16:45-17:25 Simon Friederich: The Fine-Tuning Argument for the Multiverse Under Attack Peter Hucklenbroich: Disease Entities, Negative Causes of Disease, and the Naturalness of Disease Classifications Simon Scheller: Agent-Based Modeling and Democratic Theory: Improving Normative Arguments through Simulation Tobias Henschen: Interventions or Ranks? Peter Kroes: Internalism and Externalism in the Philosophy of Engineering

Wolfgang Pietsch: A Causal Perspective on Modeling in the Engineering Sciences

17:25-18:05 Flavia Padovani: Coordination, Measurement, and the Problem of Representation of Physical Quantities Marko Jurjako: The (Dys)functionality of Psychopathy: Perspective from the Philosophy of Science Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla: The Synchronized Aggregation of Beliefs and Probabilities
18:05-18:45 Riske Schlüter: Holism of Climate Models and their Construction with Empirical Data and Theoretical Knowledge Gottfried Vosgerau: Mental Disorders as Higher-Order Theoretical Terms Axel Gelfert: Exploratory Modes of Scientific Inquiry: From Experimentation to Modeling Alexander Reutlinger: Is There A Monist Theory of Causal and Non-Causal Explanations? The Counterfactual Theory of Scientific Explanation
19:00-20:00 GWP Meeting, room 3D


Thursday, March 10
Plenary Lecture, room 3D (Chair: T. Reydon)
09:15-10:30 Paul Hoyningen-Huene: Are there Good Arguments Against Scientific Realism?
10:30-11:00 Refreshments, foyer
Room 3B Room 3C Room 3D Room 22 Room 24
Values in Science I (Chair: C. Menke) Philosophy of the Life Sciences IV (Chair: A.S. Meincke) General Philosophy of Science IV (Chair: L. Fahrbach) Mechanisms (Chair: A. Gebharter) Symposium: Methodological Challenges in Quantum Gravity (Chair: W. Pietsch)
11:00-11:40 Martin Carrier: Agnotological Challenges: How to Capture the Production of Ignorance Susanne Hiekel: Evolutionary Explanations Claus Beisbart: Reflective Equilibrium – A Method for Philosophy of Science? Christian Wüthrich: The Use of Black Hole Thermodynamics as Non-Empirical Confirmation

Keizo Matsubara: On Predictions and Explanations in Multiverse Scenarios

Richard Dawid: Can We Make Sense of the Final Theory Claim in String Theory?

11:40-12:20 Alexander Christian: The Suppression of Medical Evidence Ciprian Jeler: Types of Environments and Multi-Level Natural Selection Catherine Herfeld and Malte Doehne: How Theories Travel: The Case of ‘The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior’ Beate Krickel: Empirically Assessing Mechanistic Constitution With Interventions
12:20-13:00 Javier Suárez and Roger Deulofeu: On the Explanatory Character of the Serial Endosymbiotic Theory of the Origin of Eukaryotic Cells Christian Wallmann: Different Solutions to the Problem of Conflicting Reference Classes and their Application to Personalized Medicine Carlos Zednik: Viewing Marr as a Mechanist
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break
Plenary Lecture, room 3D (Chair: G. Schurz)
15:00-16:15 Gila Sher: Truth and Scientific Change
16:15-16:45 Refreshments, foyer
Room 3B Room 3C Room 3D Room 22 Room 24
Values in Science II (Chair: A. Christian) Philosophy of the Life Sciences V (Chair: D. Hommen) General Philosophy of Science V (Chair: C. Beisbart) Philosophy of the Social Sciences and the Humanities I (Chair: R. Hillerbrand) Symposium: Evidence of Mechanisms in Medicine (Chair: B. Krickel)
16:45-17:25 Torsten Wilholt: Cognitive Interests and Scientific Objectivity Jessica Laimann: Explaining Human Behaviour, Changing Human Behaviour: How to Be an Evolutionary Social Constructionist Peter Brössel and Nina Poth: Why the Psychology of Reasoning Needs Normativity: The Complex-First-Paradox Eva-Maria Jung: Reconsidering the “Experimental Turn” in the Humanities Michael Wilde: Evidence of Mechanisms in Medicine

Veli-Pekka Parkkinen: Defending the Epistemic Significance of Mechanisms

17:25-18:05 Cornelis Menke: Is the Argument from Inductive Risk Applicable to Pure Research? Zdenka Brzovic and Predrag Sustar: Natural and Social Kinds: Overlaps and Distinctions Benjamin Horrig and Peter Brössel: Predictive Coding and the Rationale of the Conjunction Fallacy Lara Huber: From Stability to Validity: How Standards Serve Epistemic Ends
18:05-18:45 Stijn Conix: Values in Species Classification Kamuran Osmanoglu: The Biological Reality of Race Does Not Underwrite the Social Reality of Race: A Response to Spencer Marie I. Kaiser: Normativity in the Philosophy of Science Maria Kronfeldner: Human Nature Between Science and Politics: Dehumanization, Essentialism and the Call for Elimination


Friday, March 11
Room 3B Room 3C Room 3D Room 22 Room 24
Philosophy of Mathematics (Chair: A. Schuster) Confirmation (Chair: T. Wilholt) General Philosophy of Science VI (Chair: H. Greif) Philosophy of the Social Sciences and the Humanities II (Chair: E.-M. Jung) Symposium: Mathematics as a Tool (Chair: N. Retzlaff)
09:15-09:55 Fabrice Pataut: Gödel on Intuitionistic Logic, and Davidsonian Radical Interpretation: The Case of the Logical Constants Paul Thorn: The Stimulus Perception Connection David Botting: Toulmin’s Logical Types Elizaveta Kostrova: The Role of “Ought” in Value Theory: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives Anouk Barberousse: Empirical Bayes as a Tool

Juergen Jost: Mathematics in the Era of Big Data is not the Tool of Science, but the Science of Tools

Johannes Lenhard: Boon and Bane: On the Role of Adjustable Parameters in Simulation Models

09:55-10:35 Michael Stoeltzner: Hilbert’s Axiomatic Method and Carnap’s General Axiomatics Yukinori Onishi: Defending Selective Confirmation Strategy Wolfgang Freitag: Goodman’s Paradox and Hansson’s Puzzle Judith Würgler: The “Invisible Hand” as a Natural Law
10:35-11:15 Antonio Piccolomini d’Aragona: Recognition Procedures and Dag Prawitz’s Theory of Grounds Jakob Koscholke: Why Coherence Cannot be Measured as Relative Overlap Karsten Klint Jensen: Micro Economics Between the Natural Sciences and the Humanities
11:15-11:45 Refreshments, foyer
Plenary Lecture, room 3D (Chair: H. Lyre)
11:45-13:00 Stathis Psillos: Induction and Natural Necessities

Press & Pictures

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Organisation & Contact



Local Organising & Programme Committee


GWP Organisers


Questions concerning GWP.2016 please to the LOC

Gerhard Schurz (Chair)
Alexander Christian
Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla
Alexander Gebharter
David Hommen
Nina Retzlaff
Paul D. Thorn
(all: DCLPS, University of Duesseldorf)
Uljana Feest (University of Hannover)
Ulrich Krohs (University of Muenster)
Holger Lyre (University of Magdeburg)
Thomas Reydon (University of Hannover)
Alexander Christian
Duesseldorf Center for Logic and
Philosophy of Science (DCLPS)
University of Duesseldorf
Room: 24.52/01.26
Universitaetsstrasse 1
40225 Duesseldorf, Germany
E-Mail: ***@***




You will find the conference registration and information desk directly at the conference venue. The registration and information desk will be in your service:

Registration Desk Details

Registration and information desk phone: +49 (0)211 81 ***

Conference Venue and Rooms

The conference venue is located in building 23.01 and 23.02 (directly connected) at the University of Duesseldorf. The address of the conference venue is Universitaetsstrasse 1, 40225 Duesseldorf.

The parallel sessions and symposia will be held in rooms 3B, 3C, 3D, U1.22, and U1.24. The plenary lectures as well as the GWP meeting will take place in room 3D.

Map of the university campus (important locations are marked):

Map of the conference venue:

If you need technical assistance or encounter technical problems, please contact the conference assistants at the registration and information desk.

To reach the conference venue from the main station, take U79 (below main station; roughly 15min) or tram 704 (in front of main station; roughly 20min), both direction: “Uni Ost/Botanischer Garten”, and exit at the final stop.


Venue Accessibility

All rooms are handicapped accessible. There are disabled toilets available and floors are connected via elevators. Also the canteen is handicapped accessible. For support just contact our crew at the registration and information desk.

Child Care

Child care service will be offered for children of GWP participants. For child care service, please check the corresponding box when registering for the conference or send an e-mail to the local organizers. The local organizing committee will contact you and provide more details.


Eduroam is available at the whole university campus: In case you have no eduroam access, you can also use the university WLAN (HHUD-W) free of charge. Username and password are provided in the conference binder. If there is urgent need, conference participants may also use a computer that is located at the registration and information desk.


You have the opportunity to print at the registration and information desk. Please note that we can only print a few pages (e.g., flight tickets, but no handouts).

Luggage Room

You can leave your luggage at the registration and information desk during the above mentioned service times.


The nearest ATM is located at the main library (see “Bibliothek” on the map). A second ATM is located at the main canteen (“Mensa”).

Coffee and Refreshments

Coffee and tea will be served during the refreshment breaks. All refreshments are served in the foyer. There are also several cafeteria as well as a canteen at the university campus where you can pick up some drinks and sandwiches:

  • Cafeteria at the ground floor of the conference venue (building 23.01)
  • Ex Libris at the main library (right to the main entrance; see “Bibliothek” on the map)
  • Café Uno left to the main canteen (“Mensa”) at building 21.11 in the north of the campus (see “Mensa” on the map)
  • Café Vita right to the main canteen (“Mensa”) at building 21.11 in the north of the campus (see “Mensa” on the map)

Dinner Restaurants

Close to the campus are only a few small restaurants for dinner. The closest one is “Scottie’s” next to the tram stop Christophstraße (see map), where Burger’s and also local food is served for a reasonable price. There is also a Subway around the corner of the main canteen. There are many nice restaurants in the city center. For traditional/local food you may consider:

  • Brewery “Füchschen”: Ratinger Straße 28
  • Brewery “Zum Schlüssel”: Bolkerstraße 41 – 47
  • Brewery “Schlösser Quartier Bohème”: Ratinger Straße 25
  • Brewery “Uerige”: Berger Straße 1

Tourist Information

Tourist information on the city of Duesseldorf and a city guide can be found here.

Police and Medical Assistance

If you need to call the police or need an ambulance, the emergency number is 112.

On Arrival

Transportation from/to airport: Please be aware that there are two airports associated with Duesseldorf: Duesseldorf Airport (DUS) and Airport Duesseldorf Weeze (NRN). While Duesseldorf Airport (DUS) is very close to the city, Airport Duesseldorf Weeze (NRN) is actually about 90 kilometers away from Duesseldorf. Transportation from Duesseldorf Airport (DUS) to the main station costs about 25 EUR with taxi and about 2,60 EUR with train. For the latter buy a zone A single fare ticket – valid up to 90 minutes after stamping – and take the train S11. Please find a map of Duesseldorf here.

Public Transportation in Duesseldorf

If you need to use buses, trams, or the metro, you might want to buy a single ticket (about 2,60 EUR) or a day ticket (6,60 EUR) all for the zone A (the university is within this zone). There is also a 7-day ticket for about 21,20 EUR. The tickets can be purchased in the buses, trams (coins only), and the metro (coins only) as well as at ticket machines at the main station or the old town. You can find information about routes, timetables, and prices at the website of the Rheinbahn: To reach the conference venue from the main station, take U79 (below main station; roughly 15min) or tram 704 (in front of main station; roughly 20min), both direction: “Uni-Ost/Botanischer Garten”, and exit at the final stop.


You can phone up and book a taxi from a taxi office; call (24h): +49 (0)211 33333 or book at: A taxi from the university to the city center costs about 25 EUR.


Below you find a selection of hotels in Duesseldorf. A number of rooms have been reserved in Motel One Main Station for the conference participants to be booked at a fixed rate. Please be adviced to make your reservations in good time because the offer is only valid until the date indicated below. Be sure to use the reservation code specified below when making the reservation.

(The following information is given without guarantee of being complete, correct, and up-to-date.)

Hotels close to the main station:

Motel One Main Station
Address: Immermannstrasse 54, 40210 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Duesseldorf Hbf” U79 or tram 704 (both direction: “Uni-Ost/Botanischer Garten”); exit at final stop
Reservation code: “GWP2016”
Offer valid until: 25 January, 2016
Single room: 69,00 EUR (without breakfast)
Double room: 79,00 EUR (without breakfast)

Hotel Ibis Main Station
Address: Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 14, 40210 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Duesseldorf Hbf” U79 or tram 704 (both direction: “Uni-Ost/Botanischer Garten”); exit at final stop

Hotels close to the conference venue:

HK-Hotel Duesseldorf City
Address: Varnhagenstrasse 37, 40225 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Moorenstrasse” bus 835 (direction: “D-In der Steele”) or bus 836 (direction: “D-Universitaet Sued”); exit at stop “Universitaet Mitte”

Hotel Astra
Address: Ubierstrasse 36, 40223 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Merowingerplatz” bus 835 (direction: “D-In der Steele”) or bus 836 (direction: “D-Universitaet Sued”); exit at stop “Universitaet Mitte”

Residenz Hotel Eurostar
Address: Merowingerstrasse 84, 40225 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Merowingerstrasse” bus 835 (direction: “D-In der Steele”) or bus 836 (direction: “D-Universitaet Sued”); exit at stop “Universitaet Mitte”

Hotel Haus Mooren
Address: Witzelstrasse 79, 40225 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Uni-Kliniken” tram 704 (direction: “Uni-Ost/Botanischer Garten”); exit at final stop

Hotel Flora
Address: Auf’m Hennekamp 37, 40225 Duesseldorf
Connection to conference venue: enter at stop “Auf’m Hennekamp” tram 704 (direction: “Uni-Ost/Botanischer Garten”); exit at final stop


Conference registration and payment: Please be aware that the early bird registration ended on January 17, 2016.


Fee Details
Participation asAmount Early BirdAmount Late Registration
GWP-member non-student30 EUR40 EUR
GWP-member student10 EUR20 EUR
Non-GWP-member non-student60 EUR70 EUR
Non-GWP-member student30 EUR40 EUR

To register for GWP.2016, please fill out the form below and transfer the conference (and dinner) fee to:

Bank Account Details
Account HolderGWP e.V.
BankGLS Bank, Bochum
ReferencePlease use as reference the name of the participant followed by “GWP.2016”

The online registration for GWP.2016 is closed, please register at the registration desk at the conference.

Call for Papers & Symposia

The GWP invites contributions devoted to all fields of the philosophy of science. We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 10 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a total 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All proposals have to be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system. Please note that first time users have to register as users of EasyChair.

Proposals for Papers

Please submit your proposal for an individual paper either as an “extended abstract” or as an attached PDF (especially if it contains formal symbols), but not both. Proposals for papers should include the title and abstract (up to 500 words). Please ensure that your abstract does not contain information that communicates your identity to the reviewers. Fill in the author information into the “Author Information”-box; this information will not be accessible to the reviewers. All submissions will be subjected to a blind refereeing procedure.

Proposals for symposia

Please submit your proposal for a symposium as an attached PDF. Symposia proposals should include the symposium title, a description of the symposium’s rationale (up to 500 words) and for each of the 3 speakers the title and abstract (up to 500 words). Please prepare your symposium proposal for blind review. Fill in the author information into the “Author Information”-box for all three speakers of the symposium (and for the organizer if (s)he is different from the speakers); this information will not be accessible to the reviewers. The organizer of the symposium should be the corresponding author (check the box).

The conference language is English, but German contributions will also be considered. No one will be permitted to present more than one paper. If you are a graduate student, please indicate this by adding “(graduate student)” in the field “organization” of “Author information” after the name of your organization.


Submissions are via EasyChair:


The deadline for all submissions has expired (October 2, 2015).

Expected notification of acceptance by the beginning of December.

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Philosophy of Science Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities

The GWP aims to organize an international conference devoted to all fields of philosophy of science every three years. The second triannual international conference of the GWP, GWP.2016, was hosted by the Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS) at the University of Duesseldorf.

March 8--11, 2016

University of Duesseldorf



Invited Speakers

  • Rainer Hegselmann (University of Bayreuth)
  • Paul Hoyningen-Huene (University of Hannover)
  • Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh)
  • Stathis Psillos (University of Athens)
  • Alexander Rosenberg (Duke University)
  • Gila Sher (University of San Diego)

The GWP invites contributions devoted to all fields of the philosophy of science. For submission via EasyChair and technical details see:

The organizers would like to thank all reviewers for their generous efforts and professional judgement during the reviewing process:
Albert Anglberger (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy), Eckhart Arnold (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Seamus Bradley (Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy), Peter Broessel (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum), Martin Carrier (Bielefeld University), Frank Dietrich (Heine Heine University), Kristina Engelhard (University of Cologne), Ludwig Fahrbach (Heinrich Heine University), Uljana Feest (Leibniz University Hannover), Wolfgang Freitag (Freiburg University), Mathias Frisch (University of Maryland), Rainer Hegselmann (Bayreuth University), Rafaela Hillerbrand (Kit Karlsruhe Universtiy), Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (University of Cologne), Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Leibniz University of Hannover), Andreas Huettemann (University of Cologne), Peter Hucklenbroich (University of Muenster), Lena Kaestner (University of Berlin), Marie Kaiser (University of Cologne), Ulrich Krohs (University of Muenster), Maria Kronfeldner (Central European University), Bernd Lahno (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), Michela Massimi (University College London), Cornelis Menke (University of Bielefeld), Paul Naeger (University of Muenster), Helmut Pulte (Ruhr-University Bochum), Michael Schippers (University of Oldenburg), Markus Schrenk (Heinrich Heine University), Gila Sher (UCSD), Jan Sprenger (Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science), Michael Stoeltzner (University of South Carolina), Gottfried Vosgerau (Heinrich Heine University), Christian Wallmann (University of Kent), Torsten Wilholt (Leibniz University Hannover)

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