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Print Media

The German newspaper F.A.Z. has reported about the conference in its issue from March 22 2013.

There is also a conference report in the EPSA Newsletter, Vol. II, Issue 1, August 2013.


(Special thanks to Helmut Fink.)


Material for GWP.2013


Plenary Speakers




Please find below:


Panel Discussion

Wednesday, March 13, 18:45-20:30
Sitzungssaal, 14th floor, Conti-Hochhaus (Building 1502)
Königswörther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover

“Caught between a rock and a hard place:” Prospects and problems of careers between philosophy and science

The topic of the conference, “How much philosophy in the philosophy of science?”, is of special relevance for aspiring young researchers. Pre-Docs as well as Post-Docs often find themselves “between a rock and a hard place”, facing demands of a dual nature: On the one hand they face the rigorous standards of a career in philosophy, while on the other hand they are expected to possess detailed knowledge of the specific sciences for their work in philosophy of science. These two poles are often difficult to bridge, and can result in a serious tension being exerted on young researchers. For instance, though the need for interdisciplinary research is impressed upon young researchers by their advisers and by funding institutions, university positions are still mainly filled based on decidedly disciplinary profiles. Is this an unresolvable conflict for up-and-coming professionals aspiring for a career in philosophy of science? This panel discussion will focus on this and similar questions concerning philosophy of science as an interdisciplinary field in general as well as the prospects and problems of careers between philosophy and science.

  • Prof. Dr. Hanne Andersen (Aarhus University)
  • Dr. Christoph-Friedrich von Braun, MSc (Andrea von Braun Foundation, Munich)
  • Dr. Thomas Brunotte (Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Egelhaaf (Bielefeld University) [canceled]
  • Prof. Dr. Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
  • Dr. Robert Meunier (Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin)
  • Prof. Dr. Sandra Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh) [canceled]

The panel discussion is moderated by Dr. Marie I. Kaiser (University of Geneva). Organisation: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Kronfeldner (University of Bielefeld)

There will be a short reception (appetizers and drinks) in the Foyer.

Those who want to participate in the lunch time workshop in which we prepare the panel discussion from the point of view of junior members of the field, should please write an email to: ***@***


GWP.2013 Programme Details


Mon, 15:00-16:15

Plenary Lecture:
Peter Godfrey-Smith: “On the Relation Between Philosophy and Science”

Mon, 16:45-18:45

Mechanisms I:
Jens Harbecke: “What is the relation between the regularity theory of mechanistic constitution and Gillett’s dimensioned realization?”
Marcin Miłkowski: “Boundaries of systems vs. boundaries of mechanisms”
Carlos Zednik: “Heuristics of Mechanism-Discovery and the Limits of Mechanistic Explanation”

General Philosophy of Science I
Vincenzo Politi: “Philosophy of Science as Link and Integrative Pluralism in Action”
Hans Radder: “What kind of philosophy in the philosophy of science?”
Marie I. Kaiser: “How Normative Is Naturalistic Philosophy of Science?”

Markus Schrenk: “How much Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Science?”
Cord Friebe: “Metametaphysics: what is a deflationary view?”
Julia Friederike Göhner: “Scientia Mensura: On Science as the Measure for Metaphysics”

Cross-Disciplinary Analyses:
Eran Tal: “Comparing Uncertainties: A Cross-Disciplinary Challenge”
Wolfgang Pietsch: “Natural and Causal Laws in Physics and Engineering”
Maria Kronfeldner: “To have an effect of one’s own: Causal complexity, reconstituting the phenomena, and explanatory values”

Symposium: Philosophy of Biology:
Emanuele Ratti [Emilio M. Sanfilippo, Federico Boem]: “Symposium – Ontology for and from sciences. The ontological analysis of biology”

Mon, 18:45-20:00

JGPS Plenary Lecture:
Wolfgang Spohn: “A Priori Principles of Reason”

Mon, 20:00-22:00

Social event

Tue, 9:15-10:30

Plenary Lecture:
Margaret Morrison: “The Scientific Nature of Philosophical Questions”

Tue, 11:00-13:00

Philosophy of Chemistry and Technology:
Carsten Seck: “Metaphysics within Chemical Physics: Case of ab initio Molecular Dynamics”
Alexandru Manafu: “How much philosophy in the philosophy of chemistry?”
Alfred Nordmann: “How Much Philosophy of Technology in the Philosophy of Science?”

Ludwig Fahrbach: “How to Confirm Theories without Considering Rival Theories”
Michael Schippers: “Coherence and (likeness to) truth”

Cognition and Concepts:
Patrice Soom: “On Metaphysical Analyses in the Philosophy of Neuroscience”
Max Mergenthaler Canseco: “Is seeing believing? The role of visualizations in the Cognitive Sciences”
Iulian Toader: “Against Weylean Skepticism”

Models and Representations:
Krystyna Bielecka: “Explaining behavior with representations”
Michael Poznic: “Five ultimate arguments against similarity views of scientific representation?”
Maria Serban: “A place for contextualism in philosophy of science”

Symposium: Mechanisms:
Phyllis Illari, Stuart Glennan and Meinard Kuhlmann: “Symposium – The new mechanical philosophy and the unity of science”

Tue, 15:00-16:15

Plenary Lecture:
James Ladyman: “Philosophy, Science and Realism”

Tue, 16:45-18:45

Natural Laws: Giulia Pravato: “Natural Laws and Social Conventions. Exceptions as a Case Study” [canceled]
Matthias Unterhuber: “Less Lazy than One Might Think – Ceteris Paribus Conditions in the Context of Lewis’ Best System Analysis”
Andreas Hüttemann: “In Laws We Trust”

Philosophy of Biology:
Shunkichi Matsumoto: “Evolutionary Functional Analysis Revisited”
Predrag Šustar and Zdenka Brzovi?: “The function debate in the light of molecular approaches to evolutionary biology: the case of neo-functionalization”
Stavros Ioannidis: “Development and Evolutionary Causation” [canceled]

Mechanisms II:
Alexander Gebharter: “A formal framework for representing mechanisms?”
Tobias A. Huber: “Mechanisms and Mechanistic Explanations”
Elizabeth Irvine: “Mechanisms, Natural Kinds, and the Boundaries of Cognition”

Symposium: General Philosophy of Science:
Till Gruene-Yanoff, Hanne Andersen and Mieke Boon: “Symposium – Teaching Philosophy of Science to Scientists: Challenges and Opportunities”

Symposium: Phil of Physics:
Michael Krämer, Michael Stoeltzner, Koray Karaca and Martina Merz: “Symposium – The Return of the Higgs Hunters: Epistemological Perspectives on the Large Hadron Collider”

Tue, 19:30

GWP meeting

Wed, 9:15-10:30

Plenary Lecture:
Stephan Hartmann: “Philosophy of Science as Scientific Philosophy”

Wed, 11:00-13:00

Johannes Lenhard: “Shifting Balance. Experiments, Computers, and Simulations”
Lena Hofer: “(Re)Production of Empirical Scenarios”
Jan Sprenger: “The Interpretation of Sequential Trials in Medicine. A Plea for Conditional Reasoning”

Simon Friederich: “Local causality in the light of the Principal Principle”
Patryk Dziurosz-Serafinowicz: “Are Humean Chances Formally Adequate?”
Johannes Roehl: “Physical Causation, Dispositions and Processes”

Symposium: Models and Representations:
Mathias Frisch, Rafaela Hillerbrand and Herman Russchenberg: “Symposium – Uncertainty in Climate Modeling”

Symposium: Induction:
Paul Thorn, Gerhard Schurz and Kevin Kelly: “Symposium – Formal Approaches to the Problem of Induction”

Wed, 15:00-16:15

Plenary Lecture:
Chrysostomos Mantzavinos: “Explanatory Games”

Wed, 16:45-18:45

General Philosophy of Science II:
Stephan Kornmesser: “Scientific Revolutions without Paradigm-Replacement and the Coexistence of Competing Paradigms in Linguistics”
Holger Andreas: “Descriptivism about Theoretical Concepts Implies Ramsification or Conventionalism”

Ramiro Glauer: “Emergence: a Lot of Philosophy and a Lot of Science”
Robert Meunier: “Pluralism in the life sciences – Complexity of nature or complexity of culture”
Fabian Lausen: “Using Insights from the Philosophy of the Life Sciences in the General Reductionism Debate”

Philosophy of Emotions:
Malte Dahlgrün: “Emotions and Natural Kindhood”
Predrag Sustar: “Naturalism in Action: The Case of Positive Emotions”
Jeff Kochan: “Subjectivity and Emotion in Scientific Research”

Philosophy of Physics I:
Karim Thebault: “Quantization as a guide to ontic structure”
Stefan Lukits: “The Full Employment Theorem in Probability Kinematics”
Johannes Thürigen: “Theory evaluation beyond empirical evidence: the case of research towards a quantum theory of gravity”

Symposium: Causality:
Michael Baumgartner, Vera Hoffmann-Kolss and Markus Eronen: “Symposium – Interventionism and Multi-Level Causation”

Wed, 18:45

Panel discussion:
“Caught between a rock and a hard place:” Prospects and problems of careers between philosophy and science

Thu, 9:15-11:15

Philosophy of Physics II:
Manfred Stöckler: “How to divide between physics and philosophy of physics?”
Emre Keskin: “Philosophy of Cosmology: Not enough philosophy, not enough cosmology.”
Thorben Petersen: “Is There Too Much Philosophy in The Rietdijk/Putnam-Argument?”

Historically oriented studies:
Cornelis Menke: “John Stuart Mill on the Existence of the Ether”
Dinçer Çevik: “Meeting the Metaphysics of Geometry: The legacy of Herbart, Gauss and Riemann”
Parzhad Torfehnezhad: “In Carnap’s Defense”

Philosophy of Social Sciences (incl. Economics):
Andrei Nasta: “A Justification of the Minimalist Notion of Economy” [canceled]
Kristina Musholt: “The personal and the subpersonal in social cognition”
Simon Lohse: “Social Emergentism Reconsidered”

General Philosophy of Science III:
Anke Büter: “The Agnosticism-Argument for Value-Freedom”
Adam Toon: “Models, fictions, and Emma Bovary”
Stephan Kopsieker: “Making sense of the distinction between functional and structural modularity”

Symposium: Philosophy of Biology:
Christian Sachse, Ulrich Krohs and Ellen Clarke: “Symposium – Organisms and biological individuals – Metaphysical and Epistemological reflections on the current debate”

Thu, 11:45-13:00

Plenary Lecture:
Sandra Mitchell: “Proteins in Context: Relations among Multiple Models” [canceled]


GWP.2013 Programme Schedule

Mon, 11.3. Tue, 12.3. Wed, 13.3. Thu, 14.3.



Plenary Lecture:
M. Morrison: The Scientific Nature of Philosophical Questions
Plenary Lecture:
S. Hartmann:Philosophy of Science as Scientific Philosophy
Symposium: Organisms & Biological IndividualsSessions:

  1. Philosophy of Physics II
  2. Historically Oriented Studies
  3. Philosophy of Social Sciences
  4. General Philosophy of Science III



Coffee break Coffee break



Symposium: The New Mechanical Philosophy


  1. Philosophy of Chemistry & Technology
  2. Induction
  3. Cognition and Concepts
  4. Models and Representations
Symposium: Climate Modeling

Symposium: Formal Approaches to Induction


  1. Experiments
  2. Causality
Coffee break
Plenary Lecture:
S. Mitchell: Proteins in Context: Relations among Multiple Models[canceled]



Registration Lunch break Lunch break



Plenary Lecture:
P. Godfrey-Smith: On the Relation between Philosophy an Science
Plenary Lecture:
J. Ladyman:Philosophy, Science and Realism
Plenary Lecture:
C. Mantzavinos:Explanatory Games



Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break



Symposium:Ontological Analysis of Biology


  1. Mechanisms I
  2. General Philosophy of Science I
  3. Metaphysics
  4. Cross-Disciplinary Analyses
Symposium: Teaching Philosophy of Science

Symposium: Higgs


  1. Natural Laws
  2. Philosophy of Biology
  3. Mechanisms II


  1. General Philosophy of Science II
  2. Reduction
  3. Philosophy of Emotions
  4. Philosophy of Physics I



JGPS Plenary Lecture:
W. Spohn: A Priori Principles of Reason
GWP meeting
Panel discussion:
“Caught between a rock and a hard place:” Prospects and problems of careers between philosophy and science



Social event

Organisation & Contact




GWP.2013 Organisers


Questions concerning GWP.2013 please to …


Paul Hoyningen-Huene (University of Hannover)
Dietmar Hübner (University of Hannover)
Meinard Kuhlmann (University of Bremen)
Holger Lyre (University of Magdeburg)
Thomas Reydon (University of Hannover)
Torsten Wilholt (University of Hannover)
c/o Institut fuer Philosophie
Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
Im Moore 21
30167 Hannover, Germany
E-Mail: ***@***



Conference venue

The conference will be held at the “Conti-Campus” of Leibniz University of Hannover, Building 1502 (the “Conti-Hochhaus”), Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover. The venue is within a 15-20 min walking distance from the city center.

The conference desk, coffee breaks and book exhibit will be located on the 14th floor. The sessions will take place in lecture rooms located on the ground, first, fourth and seventh floors.

A map of Hannover showing the university’s buildings can be found here. Building 1502 is in map square F5.


Arrival by air

Arriving at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport, take the S5 train (“S-Bahn”) in the direction of Bad Pyrmont to Hannover main train station (Hannover Hbf). There is a train every half hour, departing at 6 minutes after the half and the whole hour. The journey to Hannover main train station takes approx. 20 minutes. You can buy a ticket (about 3 Euro one-way) from the machines on the platform. Please don’t forget to validate the ticket in the small blue machines before getting on the train! At the main train station, you will have to change to the tram/subway in order to get to the conference venue – see “arrival by train”. Airport information can be found here.

Arrival by train

Arriving at the main train station (Hannover Hbf or “Hauptbahnhof”), take the tram/subway to get to the conference venue. A map of Hannover’s tram/subway system is available here. From “Hauptbahnhof” take lines 1, 2, 3, 7 or 9 to “Kröpcke” station (1 stop). The subway station is towards the rear exit of the train station. Note that you can also walk to “Kröpcke” station in only a few minutes: take the front exit of the train station and walk straight ahead along or through the lowered shopping area. From “Kröpcke” station, take lines 4 (direction: Garbsen) or 5 (direction: Stöcken) and get off at “Königsworther Platz” station. You’ll need about 15-20 min to get to the conference venue.


Note: the selection of hotels listed here is intended for your information only, not as a recommendation on the part of the conference organizers. Two hotels on the list have special rates for conference participants.

Hotels within less than 10 min walking distance from the conference venue:
Hotels near Hannover main train station (front exit), city center side:
Hotels near Hannover main train station (rear exit), “Raschplatz” side:


Conference registration and payment: Please be aware that the early bird registration ended on January 14, 2013.


Fee Details
Participation asAmount Early BirdAmount Late Registration
GWP-member non-student30 EUR40 EUR
GWP-member student10 EUR20 EUR
Non-GWP-member non-student60 EUR70 EUR
Non-GWP-member non-student30 EUR40 EUR

To register for GWP.2013, please fill out the form below and transfer the conference (and dinner) fee to:

Bank Account Details
Account HolderGWP e.V.
BankGLS Bank, Bochum
ReferencePlease use as reference the name of the participant followed by “GWP.2016”

The online registration for GWP.2013 is closed, please register at the registration desk at the conference.

Call for Papers & Symposia

We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 15 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a total 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All submissions will be subjected to a blind refereeing procedure. Proposals for papers should include the title and abstract (up to 500 words), but no personal information. Please attach a second file with your name, affiliation, contact details, and the title of the submitted paper. Symposia proposals should include the symposium title, a description of the symposium’s rationale (up to 500 words) and for each of the 3 speakers the title and abstract (up to 500 words), but no names. Please attach a second file with names, affiliations, contact details of the symposium organizers and speakers, and the title of the proposed symposium. If your paper/symposium addresses the overarching conference theme, please indicate this in the attached file where names etc. are specified. If you or (one or more of) the speakers in your symposium are graduate students, please indicate this, too.

Conference Language

The recommended conference language is English, but German contributions will also be considered.


Submissions are via EasyChair:

For symposium submissions: In case your joint abstract exceeds the EasyChair word count, please fill in the symposium’s rationale only and use the PDF upload to submit the abstracts of the single speakers.

For junior applicants: If you also want to participate in the career workshop please have a look at the panel discussion section at the programme.


The deadline for all submissions has expired (September 30, 2012).

Expected notification of acceptance by the beginning of December.

Download the:


How Much Philosophy in the Philosophy of Science?

The GWP aims to organize an international conference devoted to all fields of philosophy of science every three years. The first triannual international conference of the GWP, GWP.2013, was hosted by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hannover.

March 11--14, 2013

University of Hannover



Invited Speakers

  • Peter Godfrey-Smith (The City University of New York)
  • Stephan Hartmann (MCMP, LMU Munich)
  • James Ladyman (University of Bristol)
  • Sandra D. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (University of Athens)
  • Margaret Morrison (University of Toronto)
  • Wolfgang Spohn (University of Konstanz)

Aims and Scope

Philosophy of science, in the last decades, has evolved into a number of autonomous subdisciplines, the disciplinary standards of which derive much more from the respective scientific disciplines on which they focus than from any core of common methodological, epistemological or metaphysical principles. For many, that seems to fulfill the dream of philosophy as approaching finally the firm course of science. However, the legitimate question arises as to how much philosophy there is in recent philosophy of science: How strongly has philosophy of science moved towards science and, perhaps, away from the philosophical tradition? How is this move to be valued? What are its consequences for the scientific relevance of the work that philosophers of science do? What are its consequences for philosophy of science as a unified and recognizable discipline? And in which direction should philosophy of science move in the near future? These will be the focal questions of the conference.

Without any doubt, the conference will in various ways certify the increasing dissociation of philosophy of science by presenting pieces of actual debates in the philosophy of physics, the philosophy of biology, the philosophy of social sciences and other subdisciplines. Nevertheless our aim is to also furnish some evidence to the ongoing quest for unity that we think is present in contemporary philosophy of science. Despite the differentiation mentioned above, there is lots of boundary work going on between the different areas of philosophy of science. In part, this occurs because some currently intensely debated concepts, such as causality, mechanisms or complexity, transgress the divisions between philosophy of physics, biology or social sciences. Thus, we would like to suggest to participants to reflect on which philosophical themes, debates, foundational ideas, methods, orienting traditions, etc. steer their way through the particulars of their research in philosophy of science. Covered by a surface of technical elaboration, philosophers of science may identify again some hidden traces of unity.

Panel Discussion “Caught between a rock and a hard place”

The conference will also host a satellite workshop for junior researchers and a panel discussion that concentrates on the hands-on side of the conference topic. Workshop and panel discussion are supported by the Andrea-von-Braun Foundation. For details see:

The GWP invites contributions devoted to all fields of the philosophy of science. For submission and technical details see:

Sponsors & Supporters