RUB, History, Philosophy and Culture of Science

Dear colleagues and students,

please find here some information about the two-year Master program “History, Philosophy and Culture of Science” (HPS+) offered by the Philosophy Department in cooperation with other Departments at Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB): HPS+-info [1]

An important novelty is that from now on a specialization in logic (next to a focus on HPS) is also possible. (The title of the program will show this soon).

If you see opportunities to announce our Master program in your field and / or to draw the attention of suitable students to it, we would be very pleased!
There will be a hybrid info event on Wednesday, July 5, 11:00 AM (CET). Interested students can contact us via our homepage ( and will receive a Zoom-link in advance.

Many thanks in advance and kind regards,
The HPS+-Team

[1] Link to HPS+Info: