Conference Venue and Rooms
The conference venue is located in the Seminargebäude and the Hörsaalgebäude of the University of Cologne. The address of the conference venue is Universitätsstraße 37, 50931 Köln.
Hotels and Accommodation
Note that the Cologne Karneval takes place directly after the conference (February 28 until March 1, 2019). If you would like to stay for Karneval you should reserve rooms early.
We have reserved rooms for February 24 to March 1, 2019 and rooms for February 24 to 27, 2019 at the Flandrischer Hof ( Prices will be 73 EUR – 84 EUR per night including breakfast, plus a 5% city culture tax (Kulturförderabgabe). These rooms have to be reserved by December 27, 2018, using a code you either received already via e-mail (in case you are a speaker). All rooms from our contingent that have not been reserved will expire after that date.
Additionally we have reserved rooms (single and business, i.e. double as single) for February 24 to 28, 2019 at the Hopper Hotel St. Antonius (, close to the main station and the Dom. Prices will be either 85 EUR or 115 EUR per night including breakfast, plus a 5% city culture tax (Kulturförderabgabe). Rooms at the Hopper have to be reserved by January 20, 2019 using a code you either received already via e-mail (in case you are a speaker). All rooms from that contingent that haven’t been called up will expire after that date.