CfR: Virtuous Formalization (?) – (03.03.2023 // online)

Online Workshop: Virtuous Formalization (?)
Date: 03.03.2023
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Free but necessary, via or by email

= Topic:
This small workshop aims to bring together scholars working on formalization and the usage of formal tools. This includes both reflection on formalizations in general and practical work done in different areas. Formal tools should in particular include different methods from Artificial intelligence, including the older approaches focusing on symbolic reasoning and the newer trends focusing on statistical methods. There is a tendency to disregard mathematical tools either quite strongly, or see them uncritically or even as objective notions that might eliminate our human shortcomings like biases. But as every tool there are chances and risks formal methods offer us.

== Speakers
Patrick Allo (KU Leuven & VUB)
Thomas Burns (OIST Graduate University)
Anna Juusela, (WE Encourage, Helsinki)
Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam, Cambridge & Hamburg)
Catharina Vogt (Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei, Münster) 
A final speaker might be announced at a later stage.

== Registrations
Registration is free but necessary:
We will email you the zoom information. This is not automatized so it might take a day. 

The workshop is organized within the FWO-project “The Epistemology of Big Data: Mathematics and the Critical Research Agenda on Data Practices”

It is supported by the FWO-project “The Epistemology of Big Data: Mathematics and the Critical Research Agenda on Data Practices”

==Contact Information
For any questions, please send an email to:

For up to date information see also the webpage: