CfParticipation: Survey on Authorship in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (survey open throughout spring 2018)

Submitted by Marcel Knöchelmann (University College London).

Call for Survey Participation: Authorship in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

University College London’s Centre for Publishing is currently conducting a census survey that aims to identify key aspects of authorship in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences in the UK and Germany: Why publishing, and with which motivations, and how are research assessments affecting scholarly communications?

Your perspective counts: take the survey today. All results of this AHRC-funded research will be made available through Open Access publications. The survey is anonymous, and completion takes only about 8 minutes. Go to:

If you have more questions regarding the survey or the research behind it, please do reach out to Marcel Knöchelmann at

I greatly appreciate your support—many thanks in advance.