Diversity in Philosophy of Economics and Economic Methodology
Special issue in Journal of Economic Methodology
Deadline for expression of interest: February 28, 2023
Workshop: Autumn 2023
Deadline for article submissions: December 17, 2023

Arguably good scholarship depends on diversity in various ways. Diversity of ideas and methods, as well as plurality of demographic and geographic backgrounds of scholars involved in the scientific and intellectual endeavor substantially contributes to the quality and epistemic efficiency of research, as well as its advancement. Diversity is also necessary for epistemic justice in scientific communities. In recent years, the role and important impact of diversity in science has been extensively discussed by philosophers of science. It has been agreed upon that diversity has substantial epistemic impact on any science and other intellectual enterprises and its benefits typically outweigh the costs.

Economics, and especially what has often been labeled the ‘mainstream’, lacks diversity on almost all dimensions. This lack is one of the reasons why the discipline has increasingly been criticized and why calls for reforms have been voiced on a regular basis. Aside from economists critically engaging with their own field and its practices, philosophers of economics, following philosophers of science and social epistemologists, have also started to pay more attention to the epistemic flaws stemming from this lack of diversity, be that with respect to the diversity of scholars involved in doing research, the methods used, the topics researched, the theoretical approaches committed to, etc. What about the philosophy of economics itself? Does it also lack diversity?

The aim of the special issue is to provide a comprehensive analysis, a set of explanations, and the required critical discussions of the current situation in the fields of philosophy of economics and economic methodology with respect to issues around diversity. Through historical analysis covering ground from earlier days to contemporary state of the field, sociological studies mapping the field and its power structures, comparative analyses contrasting philosophy of economics with neighboring fields – such as philosophy of social science and economics itself – and meta-philosophical analyses, contributions to this special issue will shed light on the various forms of existing diversity in philosophy and methodology of economics or the lack thereof.

Debates on diversity in academia are not new. However, the recent gender reckoning following the Me Too and the Black Lives Matter movements have provoked renewed reflections and a sense of urgency stemming from the perceived inertia and lack of concrete changes in academia and beyond. The special issue addresses a blind spot in the literature which is missing comprehensive analysis and critical appraisal of the current situation regarding various kinds of diversity in philosophy of economics. In addition, the novelty of this special issue is to seek reflexive as well as external views on what can be done on a practical level.

Submissions of contributions that employ different methods are encouraged. More specifically, we will consider projects that use a systematic, a historical, or an empirical approach. We are also interested in contributions that offer a perspective from feminist philosophy (of science), as well as empirical philosophy of science that advance explanations for the diversity and lack thereof in both fields.

Topics for the submissions would include but could also go beyond the following issues:

  • Diversity of methods in (economics and) philosophy of economics
  • Demographic and geographic diversity in the philosophy of the economics (and social sciences)
  • Social and cognitive diversity in the philosophy of economics
  • Insider vs. outsider perspectives on diversity in the philosophy of economics
  • Possible steps for promoting diversity in philosophy of economics and economic methodology (e.g., quotas, affirmative science policy, etc.)
  • Empirical analysis of the current state of both fields
  • Historical contributions of philosophy of economics and of economic methodology as fields with respect to diversity
  • Philosophy of economics in relation to philosophy of the social sciences in terms of diversity of the fields
  • Sociological perspectives on the fields of philosophy of economics and economic methodology with respect to diversity (e.g., power relations, core-periphery structures, etc.).
  • Diversity regarding the topics/questions of philosophy of economics and economic methodology
  • Different concepts of diversity and what they mean in philosophy of economics and economic methodology
  • Different notions of objectivity proposed in philosophy of science and their implications and potential roles for analyzing both fields with respect to diversity.
  • Considerations about pluralism in philosophy of economics and economic methodology

We will consider contributions that address questions going beyond the above list of issues.

Expression of interests should be sent to one of the co-editors no later than February 28, 2023. It should take the form of an extended abstract of no more than 1000 words.

There will be a word count of 8000 words for each paper. As the topic of the special issue is novel and attempts to initiate a new research agenda, there will be a workshop in Autumn 2023 where contributors will be able to (voluntarily) meet and collectively discuss the topic, present their papers, and get feedback before submitting their manuscripts.
The deadline for full manuscripts is December 17, 2023. Manuscripts should be submitted through the JEM online system. Please see the information below about how to submit your manuscript.

For further information, please contact the guest editors of the special issue:


Papers must follow the general instructions for authors of the Journal of Economic Methodology and be ready for the peer-review process. Submission takes place via the journal’s submission page. The papers submitted to the special issue will go through the standard peer-review process.

Step-by-step instructions
Manuscripts are submitted via JEM’s submission site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rjec

  • If you do not have an account, please create an account by clicking on “Create an Account” on the top menu.
  • If you already have an account, you can login by entering your credentials.

To submit your manuscript for the special issue, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to manuscript central: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rjec
  2. On the top menu, click on “Author” to go to the Author Dashboard.
  3. You should be seeing the “Start a New Submission” menu. Click on “Begin a Submission” under Traditional Submission.
  4. On Step 1. Choose “Original Manuscripts” and enter the details of your manuscript.
  5. Complete Steps 1-6 by answering the questions on the screen. Please note that in Step 2 you will need to upload the manuscript file.
  6. This is an important step: “Step 5: Details and Comments”. When you arrive at Step 5, on the bottom of the page you’ll see the following question: “Is this manuscript a candidate for a Special Issue?” Please select “Yes” and choose the name of the special issue from the dropdown list. The name of the special issue is: “Diversity in Philosophy of Economics”
  7. Complete the remaining steps to review and submit your manuscript.