CfA: Two Postdoc-Positions at the University of Birkbeck (Joint AHRC/DFG project with the MCMP at LMU Munich, Deadline: December 7, 2021)
Submitted by Ulrike Hahn (University of Birkbeck).
Two Postdoctoral Position at the University of Birkbeck (Project “Normative vs. Descriptive Accounts in the Philosophy and Psychology of Reasoning and Argumentation: Tension or Productive Interplay?”)
together with the MCMP at LMU Munich
Prof. Ulrike Hahn ist seeking two postdoctoral research assistants (12 months) for the inter-disciplinary, joint German-British collboration “Normative vs. Descriptive Accounts in the Philosophy and Psychology of Reasoning and Argumentation: Tension or Productive Interplay?” funded by the AHRC and the DFG. It is conducted together with the group of Prof. Stephan Hartmann at the MCMP at LMU Munich. Due to the nature of the pandemic, remote working will be available.
The application deadline is December 7th. For more information and details on the two available positions see: