CfA: Research Position 50% PhD or Postdoc for 2 Years (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Deadline: May 15, 2022)

Research position 50% (PhD or Postdoc) for 2 years vacant at the Department of Philosophy, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.  

As part of the DFG project Parameterised frames and conceptual spaces (SCHU 1566/17-1), a half-time postdoc research position is vacant.

Research focus: Naturalness of predicates, explicated within the theory of conceptual spaces, combined with the frame theory of concepts.

The researcher is free in his or her selection of specific topics, as long as they stay within the general theme of the project.

For a full project description see:
(go to research project/project description). Research focus is work package 3 of this description.

The position is for 2 years, extendible by some months (salary level E13). Intended start is October 1st 2022 (may be delayed by some months). Interested persons send an e-mail together with their CV until May 15th, 2022, to Professor Gerhard Schurz (