CfA: PostDoc position Philosophy of biology – and of mind (University of Münster, Deadline: August 14, 2022)

Submitted by Ulrich Krohs (University of Münster).


PostDoc position Philosophy of biology (and of mind) at the University of Münster
Deadline: Aug 14, 2022

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) Transregio 212 “A Novel Synthesis of Individualisation across Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution: Niche Choice, Niche Conformance, Niche Construction (NC3)“, subproject D01 ( with Prof Ulrich Krohs, at the University of Münster, Germany, is seeking to fill the position of a

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
(salary level TV-L E 13, 100%)

for the externally funded project “The role of individual internal states in niche choice, niche construction, and behavioural niche conformance”. The position, commencing on 1 October 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter, is a fixed-term full-time position offered until 31 December 2025 (corresponding to the project’s duration).

Project D01 aims to understand possible fitness effects of internal states of individuals. In the course of the project we pursue the following aims:

  1. Reconstructing the explanatory relevance of emotions for behavioural decisions and explicating the concept of emotion.
  2. Explaining the relevance of individual differences of emotional states for the evolutionary outcome of NC3-mechanisms.
  3. Fixing the status of emotions in different evolutionary frameworks.

The project will draw on the philosophical debate about emotions.

Your tasks:

  • conduct independent research according to the tasks of project D01
  • actively participate in the regular meetings and events of the research group
  • contribute to organizing workshops and other events
  • organizational tasks that are part of the self- administration of the university

Our expectations:

  • a university degree in a discipline that is relevant to the project (e. g. philosophy, philosophy of science, biology, life sciences or science studies), a PhD in the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind or another field relevant to the project
  • an independent and innovative research profile in a field relevant to the project
  • experience in interdisciplinary research
  • relevant publications in international, peer- reviewed journals
  • an autonomous and active manner of working
  • proficiency in written and spoken English

Preferred experience and skills

  • internationally orientated research activities
  • experience organizing workshops and conferences
  • German language skills are not a requirement, but a willingness to learn is desirable.

The University of Münster strongly supports equal opportunity and diversity. We welcome all applicants regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic or social background, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We are committed to creating family-friendly working conditions and offer part-time options for most positions.

The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the proportion of women academics. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities.
If you have any questions, please contact Prof Krohs at

To apply, please provide (1) a letter of motivation, (2) a CV including a list of publications and conference contributions, (3) a summary of your dissertation (2-3 pages), (4) a statement of current and future research, which also discusses why you want to work in the project described above (2-4 pages), (5) two of your most relevant publications and (6) names and contact details of one or two referees willing to write confidential letters of recommendation.
All materials should be sent as a single PDF file to by 14 August 2022

Full job advertisement: