CfA: JOBS: Two full professorships in science studies at Leibniz Universität Hannover

Submitted by Torsten Wilholt, Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Leibniz Universität Hannover is advertising two newly established permanent full professorships (W3) in the field of science studies, one for “Science and Society” and one for “Methodology of Higher Education Research and Science Studies”. Both chairs will be part of the newly founded interdisciplinary “Leibniz Center for Science and Society”.

Please feel free to distribute widely, especially to colleaugues working in social studies of science. (But note that the job ads do not stipulate any narrow constraints regarding disciplinary background and that, especially with regard to the “Science and Society” position, there may well be philosophers whose research interests fit the description quite nicely.)

You can find the calls on the homepage
