CfA: Bayes By the Sea Summer School (Ancona, August 25 – September 1, 2019, Deadline: July 2, 2019)

Submitted by William J. Peden (University of Durham).


Call for Applications (CfA):

Summer School: Bayes By the Sea: “Formal Epistemology, Statistics, and Game Theory: The Summer School!”, 25 August -1 September 2019 Ancona, The Marche –Italy

The School aims to bring together international experts in such fields as philosophy of statistics, philosophy of science, game theory and social epistemology in order to address foundational questions in the sciences from new perspectives, with a special focus on formal models of social interactions and scientific inference.
In particular, students will attend to both theoretical lectures held by distinguished scholars in the fields and classes offering tutorials on formal methods and tools, as well as extensive overviews on the school related topics. Each of the school threads will be covered by interactive group work, excercises and one-to-one sessions, which will provide attendees with the opportunity to deepen their proficiency in a particular topic of interest.

In-depth lectures will be given on: Bayesian Philosophy of Science, Foundations of Statistics, Bayesian Statistics, Social Epistemology, Epistemic Game Theory, and Game-Theoretic Probability.



  • Peter Brössel (Bochum)
  • Philip Dawid (Cambridge)
  • Anna-Maria Asunta Eder (Cologne)
  • Stephan Hartmann (Munich)
  • Andrés Perea (Maastricht)
  • Jan Sprenger (Turin)

Three distinct tutorials will be given by expert scholars, in order to offer students introductory overviews and hands-on classes on the topics, which they feel less familiar.

– Introduction to Imprecise Probability (Serena Doria)
– Introduction to Bayesian Epistemology (William Peden)
– Introduction to Game Theory (Mantas Radzvilas)
– R for Bayesian Statistics (Momme von Sydow).

Tuition Fees (100 Euros) will include breakfast and lunch breaks, social activities, as well as participation to the Bayes By the Sea Conference (30-31 August), to which Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for a contributing paper/poster.

Deadline for application: 2nd of July 2019APPLY HERE
A rich calendar of social activities will complement the fun!


Stefano Bonzio (Univpm Ancona)

William Peden (Univpm Ancona; Durham)

Barbara Osimani (Univpm Ancona; LMU)

Mantas Radzvilas (MCMP/LMU Munich)

Todd Stambaugh (MCMP/LMU Munich; CUNY)
