CfA: 3xPhD Scholarships at Egenis (University of Exeter, Deadline: February 21, 2022)

Submitted by Rose Trappes (University of Exeter and Universität Bielefeld).


CfA: 3 x PhD Scholarships at Egenis, the University of Exeter (deadline 21st February)

There are 3 PhD studentships on offer at the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis) at the University of Exeter for people interested in working in philosophy and/or social studies of science, starting from September 2022. The studentships cover 3 years of accommodation, fees, food and travel costs, and candidates will be working within the project “A Philosophy of Open Science for Diverse Research Environments” (all information here:

Further information and the application procedure can be found here: The deadline for applications is 21 February, with interviews held online in March and decisions made shortly afterwards. Students can choose whether they will study for a degree in philosophy, sociology or anthropology, and we are open to a wide variety of backgrounds and topics of interest. The key requisite is being interested in carrying out some fieldwork in a plant science station with Sabina Leonelli, the project PI, with students free to decide what problems / angle to investigate.