1st Bayreuth Workshop on AI Governance, Bayreuth, 17–18.06.20241st Bayreuth Workshop on AI Governance

The University of Bayreuth delighted to announce the 1st Bayreuth Workshop on AI Governance:
Societies and law-makers around the world are grappling intensely with the question of how to ensure fast innovation in AI serves the common good. Join us and five experts in law, public policy, ethics and political philosophy to explore pressing questions for the governance of AI, like: 
* How can regulation be made to quickly adapt to fast changing and fundamentally new technology?
* How should we structure interactions between humans and machines?
* How do we justly distribute the gains from AI and protect citizens from its worst consequences?
* How can we do all that under conditions of deep uncertainty? 
Invited Speakers:  
* Thomas Ferretti (University of Greenwich)
* Deirdre Ahern (Trinity College Dublin)
* Sven Nyholm (LMU Munich)
* Claire Benn (Cambridge)
* Florian Ostmann (Alan Turing Institute)
Registration is open and free for both researchers and students, so please also circulate this CfA among your students. We especially would like to encourage prospective students of both the new Master’s programme “Philosophy & Computer Science” and the “Philosophy & Economics” degrees to join us to get to know teachers, city, and campus. 
To register, please contact carla.renzi(at)uni-bayreuth.de
Further information:  
Prof. Dr. Lena Kästner & Prof. Dr. Johanna Thoma