CfR: Wittgenstein and the formal sciences 4, 10 January 2025, Online

Wittgenstein and the formal sciences 4
Friday – January 10, 2025
A Zoom meeting to celebrate the World Logic Day 2025 (which is actually a few days later)

= Call for registration:
We are organizing a one-day online workshop to commemorate the World Logic Day.

Registration is free of charge and everybody is welcome to attend. To receive the zoom link, please see the homepage for further information. Or go directly to the google form:

== Speakers:
1. Colin Rittberg (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
2. Diego Morales (Eindhoven University of Technology)
3. Alexander Porto (Duquesne University)
4. Paul Hasselkuß (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)          
5. TBA (TBC)

== World Logic Day
This event is part of the celebration of world logic day. If you would like to contribute an event as well, please see for further information.

== Topic:
Ludwig Wittgenstein, despite being one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th Century, is often perceived as confusing and misunderstood. Furthermore, in spite of Wittgenstein’s belief that his most important work was his philosophy of mathematics, his work on it is generally more unknown than the rest. Given the potential of his work in areas like the philosophy of mathematical practice, ethnomathematics, and even the development of AI, this workshop aims at discussing it and raising its visibility.

== Contact:
Mail: jperez(at) / or deniz.sarikaya(at)

== Organizers:
José Antonio Pérez Escobar (UNED) & Deniz Sarikaya (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Lübeck)