CfP: The Direction of Time in a Physical World, Online-Workshop, 30-31 August 2023

Invited Speakers: 

Alison Fernandes, Bryan Roberts, Cristian López, Eddy Chen, Jill North, Natalja Deng, and Nina Emery


The problem of the direction of time is a central issue in contemporary philosophy of science. On the one hand, we experience many time-directed phenomena, such as causal relationships and local thermodynamic behavior; on the other hand, our fundamental dynamic laws of nature are time-reversal invariant. The key question regarding the direction of time is therefore: If not in the time-reversal invariant laws, what is the direction of time grounded in? The workshop seeks to elucidate the relationship between the direction of time and our physical world, by addressing questions such as: Is the direction of time an objective feature of our world? Can the direction of time be physically justified? How is it related to the asymmetries we experience?
This International Workshop is organized as an event of the DFG projects “The Direction of Time and The Direction of Causality” and “The Time of Science and the Time of Our Lives”.

Participation is free, but limited. To register and receive the Zoom link, please send an email to or with your name and affiliation.


Martin Voggenauer
Kian Salimkhani